Ji Na

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Name : Elle Chan Ji Na  (English)
陈淇娜  (Chinese)

Birthday :  17th April 1995

Age :  21 (International)
22 (Korean)

Nationality : America Citizen

Background : Of Asian ethic, attends the same school as Mark and is Mark's neighbour. Has been Mark's playmate ever since their memories and had a crush on Mark after Mark saved her kitten from the tree and substained several injuries because of that.

Although they are not of the same grade, they would always spend their breaktime together with Mark's other friends. Mark always took good care of her compared to others and always paid special attention to her. It was by Andrew's and Wendy's dare that Ji Na confessed to Mark.

They were playing truth and dare while waiting for Mark to get back from his club, they were to hang out at Mark's house later on. When Mark came out from his club, Wendy and Andrew pushed Ji Na forward into Mark's direction. It was then she blushed and stammered while confessing her attraction to Mark.

She was really worried that Mark would reject her and tell her that he only thinks of her as a sister. Yet instead, Mark planted his lips onto hers. It was her first kiss and it was also her happiest day in her life. Because the boy that she set eyes on ever since she was young also liked her back.

When Mark decided to venture to Korea to pursue his dream and career, it affected her the most.  She couldn't bring herself to send him back, she didn't even go to the airport. Their relationship didn't last long after that, with Mark's packed schedule and the conflicts that would occur because of the less frequent calls and messages.

She was tired then, Mark was also too, because of the consant fighting. He can't do this anymore, it affected his working condition badly. He broke it off then. Ji Na was like a lifeless corpse then. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. But after much thought, she realized it was better this way. Better for both of them, healthier.

Then one day, she saw JYP's audition advertisement and decided to part in it. She passed with flying colours and went to Korea, reuniting with Mark.

Ji Na is described as a bright girl, with a promising future. She warms up to everyone quickly except one of her dorm mate, who doesn't like her very much. She is one to put on a brave font no matter what and doesn't show her feelings to others easily. She stays strong whenever Mark confides in her about his relationship problems. She is smiling on the outside yet inside is slowly crumbling apart.

Height : 165cm

Weight : 43 kg

Facts :-

1) Has never dated anyone else besides Mark.

2) Loves the colour blue and would spend hours skygazing. It gave her comfort the most.

3) Hasn't forgotten about Mark and still loves him. When she first found out about MarkAe, she was shocked. But she recovered quickly, she had expected for this to happen after all yet still couldn't stop her heart from hurting.

4) Broke off all contact with Mark mainly because of revenge. She wanted him to feel what she felt too, lost.

[ Don't worry, I'll catch all the bad guys for you. ]

-5 year old Mark

[I'm sorry Ji Na. But..but..I can't do this anymore. It's not working. // I understand. I really do. // Thank you Ji Na. I wish you all the best. Maybe friends are what we were meant to be. // Not friends but best friends Mark. // *chuckles* Yeap. ]

Dear diary,

Mark broke up with me today.

I don't know what to do.

Can you tell me what to do?

{ Ji Na is just another girl, she's bound to experience heartbreaks too. Who doesn't after losing the one that they love? }

-Priscilla C. 2016

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