That little Hor-an

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"You jerk!" I yelled at my customer as the security dragged him out. I tied back up the bra I was wearing. I hated working here but I had to make money some how. 

I walked out and joined my friend Lindsey as she served drinks. "Another one?" She asked as if she knew what happened behind that curtain. I didn't even reply back only nodded. "It gets better." She said comforting me. This was my first week as a dancer I'm usually just the drink server. 

I bent over to serve someone their drink when someone grabbed my arse. I turned around to see a curly haired guy smiling down at me. I bit my lip at how beautiful her was, 

Finally my shift was over. The worst part was next to come. I always have to walk home. Since I only have enough money for a small apartment I didn't have money to buy a car, let alone a bike. Anything. I changed from the short revealing skirt to my skinny jeans and pulled on my coat. After saying by to the girls at the counter and headed outside. The cold wind pounded my face as I pulled on my hood. It was in the middle of winter and I was to poor to even get a decent coat.

I kept walking hoping to get to my house before it got to cold. "Hey miss." I heard a voice say behind me. My heart started racing. It had to be one of those creeps from the club. I started walking a little bit fast. "Love." I heard the voice call to me. His voice didn't sound dangerous or threatening. Then again they were all like that at first. I ran until I came to an alley. I slipped in and hid behind a trash can. I think I lost him.

"Who are we hiding from?" I jumped up to see a Blondie haired boy in front of me. "Please don't hurt me." I said hiding my face in my jacket. "I won't. Why are you out here at the time?" He asked. "I- I have to get home." I said stuttering part from the cold another because I was nervous. "Well it's not safe to walk out her alone." He said smiling. His smile was warm and he didn't look like someone who would hurt a fly. " I'm Y/N " I introduced. "Niall." He said. "Niall Horan." My face lit up. It all came back to me. The one band all the girls at my work talked about. One Direction. "Hey from One Direction right?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Shh, I don't need any fan girls attacking me at the moment." He said chuckling. "How do you know I'm not a fan girl?" I asked remembering when he chased after me. He didn't say anything just shrugged. 

"Come, I'll walk you home." He said motioning me to follow him. I stood up and followed him out of the alley. "So what is a famous guy doing out here in the middle of the night?" I asked. "One of my mates' birthday is today." He said. "Christmas eve?" I asked. He nodded. 

"So where's your house at?" He asked. I pointed to a crappy looking apartment as we crossed the street to get there. I buzzed for my room and the door unlocked. "Thank you for walking me home." I said turning to Niall before I walked in. "Your welcome. Hey I'm sorry for my friend Harry who grabbed your butt at the club tonight." Niall said looking a little queasy. "It's okay I get it alot." I sighed. "Well maybe we can hang out again." Niall said. I nodded. "Here's my number." He said handing me a piece of paper. "Thank you but I don't have a phone." I said looking up. But Niall wasn't there.

I folded up the paper and stuck it in my pocket and walked inside to find my house. I made it up the stairs when I noticed a piece of paper hanging from my door. "No." I whispered and ran up to it snatching it from the tape that stuck it to it. evicted was written across it. "Shit." I whispered. I forgot to pay the bill, and I had no money. I sank to the floor and buried my face in my hands. Where am I going to stay now?

I instantly remembered. I stood up and dug around in my pocket. Pulling out the piece of paper Niall gave me. I ran outside to the payphone and took out the ten cents I had in my pocket. I had to mke this work. I dialed his number nand only prayed he'd answer. "Hello." He answered. I exploded inside. "I got evicted. I'm on a payphone so I need to ask you now. Can I stay with you?" I asked quickly. "Niall, who's that?" I heard a voice say. "A friend." He yelled back. "Yes you can I'll come pick you up in front of the apartment." He said after that the dial tone came on. I rushed back to the front of the apartment and waited for him.

Finally I saw headlights approaching me. It stopped in front of me and there was Niall and the other One Direction memebers. "Hello love." Niall greeted. "Hi!" It was the guys who grabbed my butt Harry. I waved at them and climbed into the door they held open for me. The van was pretty cramped but it was comfy. "So you got evicted?" Niall asked. I didn't really want to talk about it but he asked. "Yeah." I said and turned my attention out the window. "I'm sorry." He said. Just then the van stopped. We were oarked in front of a giant house. "Is this where you live?" I asked. The one know as Liam nodded to me. "Wow." Was all I could say.

Niall and the rest of the boys guided me in the house. It was huge. "Hungry?" The one known as Louis asked. I nodded and he came back with a bowl of macaroni. "Come on let me how you your room." Niall said taking me upstairs. 

We walked down an endless hallway and then finally Niall stopped in ffront of a door. He opened it and there was my room. It was huge. "Oh my gosh it's huge!" I yelled and ran inside. I placed my macaroni down and walked around me room. I turned to look back at Niall who was chuckling at my excitment. "I'm guessing you like it." He said shoving his hands in his pockets. "Like it? I love it!" I exclaimed and walked over to Niall and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug. He pulled away and smiled at me. "What?" I asked smiling back up at him. Just then his lips connceted with mine. 

They were soft and warm. I was in shock but I was happy. It felt weird but felt right I pulled him closer as we moved our lips in sync. Just then I was lifted off the ground and I was placed on the table. Niall hadn't broke our kiss even when he placed me on the table. I grabbed onto is coller and pulled him closer to me. I needed him, I wanted him.

His hands wandered and then rested on my bum. His hand sat there not moving then all of a sudden his squeazed it causing me to jump and moan in the kiss. I was still a virgin even though I worked at a club. He pulled me off the desk and we went to the bed where he took off his shirt and was laying onto of me. I ran fingers through his hair as he got me out of my clothes and kissed me.

Finallay I was laying naked in front of him and he only had his boxers on. The only thing seperating us. He kissed down from my chest down to my thighs. "Niall, I want you." I moaned. "Soon." He smiled up at me. Kissed down and when he got to my front his rubbed. I was a moaning wreck. "Niall." I moaned.

"Louder." Niall said licking my spot.

"NIIIAAALLLL!" I yelled. He went in deeper with his tongue. It moved slowly and deep. "Niall I'm ab- cum." I tried to say. He shook his head and pulled away. "Not yet." He said and pulled his pants down. He came back up to me and kiss me. My hands found themselvs wrapped around his throabing hard on. He started humping my hands to get me to move soon I found my own pace.

"Oh god Y/N! Faster." He yelled. I spit on my hands and used his cum to go faster and make it go faster. I could tell he was close by the way it twitched. I pulled away instantly. Niall looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes and started kissing me some more. "Have you done this before?" He asked. I shook my head and he pulled away. "So this is your first time?" He asked biting his lip. I looked away shyly and nodded. "It's okay." He said pulling my head back to his and his landed another kiss on me. "This will hurt for a while." He whispered. I felt his tip starting to enter me. I moaned in pain. "I know. Shh, shh." Niaill comfoted kissing my cheeks and lips. 

Finally he was all in me and the pain was just plesure, I bucked my hips forward and he started. "Oh god." I moaned, "Say my name." Niall whispred in my ear. "Niall." I moaned. "Louder!" He yelled. "NIALLL!" I yelled. 

"I'm gunn- a c- " I tried. "Shh me too." He said moving my hair from my eyes. He quickly flipped me over so I was top. He kissed me and I let it all go on him. Soon after he did too. I moaned into the kiss and fell on the side of him breathing heavily. "Oh god Niall." We turned our heads to see the boys standing there. Imitating our moans. I buried my face embarassed in his neck. "Go away." Niall said holding me close to him.

The door closed behind them meaning they were gone. "I love you." Niall said in my ear and kissed my forehead. "I love you too." I said back.

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