Show me your bad side, good boy

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I chewed on my fingernails as I watched th front door of the hotel. The magazine I held in my hand was placed floppily in my lap. Niall was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago and I have to talk to him. Remaining tears from earlier were still caught in my eyelashes, cold from the air. I blinked them away as I heard the door knob jiggle.

The boys and him just arrived from another rehearsal. I haven't talked to Niall since yesterday when we got into a fight and he stormed out over to Liam's room. I was heartbroken to wake up to this. Something I found in a magazine and I wanted to talk to him about it. "Y/N" Niall said poking his head in. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked innocently. I stood up from the chair I had been sitting. My legs were numb from the impact the chair had on me. "Y/N?" He said. I turned around to see him looking at me.

I was going to say something to him but my words got caught in my throat and I ended up instead throwing the magazine I had in my hand. 

He picked it up off the floor where it landed and studied it. His face became dark with anger. He looked at me. I couldn't even look back at him my heart would just shatter even more. "You believe this huh?" He said throwing it on the floor by my feet. I nod slowly. "It has a picture of you kissing her and four other girls Niall!" I said finally looking him in the eyes. "Doesn't mean I actually did it!" He yelled back. "Shut up I don't want everyone hearing us again!" I whisper yelled to him. "I don't care! Your acting so stupid for believing these. If I saw rumours like this I wouldn't believe them right away!" He said.

"I am not stupid!" I yell back plopping myself onto the bed. Niall was always the quiet one but when me and him fight the whole hotel and even the hotel down the street could hear him. "Goddammit! I don't even know why I bother staying here with you! Your so fucking stupid." He yelled at me. I could feel my tears burning my cheeks. "Well then leave! Go! You don't even fucking love me!" I yelled. This set Niall off. He turned and punched the wall making me jump. Soon after there were knocks on our door. "Niall! Y/N! Open up." It was Paul. "Shut the hell up! Don't you ever say that to me!" He said. I covered my ears. He never cursed at me that way. Even when we fought. 

Our door opened and there was Paul and Andy- the two security guards. The boys came in behind them. "C'mon Niall I think you need to cool down a bit." Paul said leading Niall out of the room. "Are you okay?" Liam asked comforting. I hadn't realized it but I was crying really hard. "Shh, He didn't mean anything Y/N why don't you get some rest." Harry said rubbing circles on my back. I looked over to the wall which Niall had punched. There in the wall was a dent which Louis was inspecting. "Looks like the Hulk was here." Louis said cracking one of his dumb jokes then smiling at me with his famous comical smile. "We should leave Y/N here to get some sleep. " Liam said leading the boys out of the room. "If you need anything. You know where our rooms are." Zayn smiled and followed the rest of the boys out my room closing the door behind him.

I laid in my bed just staring at the ceiling. It felt so empty in this room. Even though I was able to sleep alone for long periods of times because of Niall's tours but this time my mind knew he was here and it was causing me to miss him. '

The way he yelled and cursed at me made it hard for me to close my eyes as I tried to make sense of some of it. I peaked over the edge of my bed to the magazine laying face up on the floor next to me. It brought more tears to my eyes. I turned my back towards that way and looked out the window next to my bed. The view was pretty. I just wish I wasn't alone enjoying it. 

"I'm so sorry." I felt arms wrap around me. I jumped up to see Niall laying next to me. I pulled away from him afraid of him still from our episode. "I'm an ass Princess, I do love you and you are not stupid." He said looking at me innocently. His blue eyes were staring immensely at me. "Please don't cry. I'm so sorry. I love you." he said taking his thumb and wipung it gently over my cheek. 

He pulled me into his chest as I listened to his heartbeat. "Your heartbeat is fast." I chuckled. "Only because your with me." He said. I pulled my head up and looked at him. His lips melt onto mine. I closed my eyes and had to just enjoy it. "Don't you ever say I don't love you again." Niall whispered as he pushed himself on top of me. I took my arms and wrapped them around Niall's neck as he tugged at my shirt. Pulling it over my head we only broke our kiss for a spit second. He pulled off his and we reconnected. My bra and skin rubbing against his bare chest.

His hand found it's way into my shorts and pulled them down. I was only in my painties and bra as he stared at me. "I want you so bad Y/N." Niall whispered in his thick irish voice. I pulled him back onto me and continued kissing him as he took off his pants. His hard on rubbed against my area as he grinded on me slowly. His hand rubbed my thighs and over my spot a few times before I started getting frusterated with this slowness. "Just fucking take them off already." I moaned in Niall's ear which caused him to pull them off and toss them somewhere in the room. He unclipped my bra skillfully and tossed it somewhere else. 

His hand rubbed my clit slowly as I could feel myself getting wetter under his touch. "Who made you this wet Y/N?" He asked smiling against my lips. His fingers entered my painfully slow. It wasn;t fair how slow he was being. "Niall!" I exclaimed as his finger tips rubbed aginst my top inside of me. "I love you so much." He whisper in my ear and started moving his fingers in and out of me as I bit my lip to keep my moans in. "It's okay baby. You can make noise." He smiled cheekily as he leaned down and started sucking on my neck. 

He found my sweet spot and by now I was no longer able to hold it in. Niall must have known I was close because he pushed his fingers up causing me to release all on his fingers. He licked his fingers seductivly as I looked at him. I attacked him again kissing. This time his neck and I wen down until I got down to him v-line. I pulled the fabric that was keeping me from his huge hard on under neath. Finally off the hard long part moved up and slapped his stomach. I grabbed it gantly and rubbed it up and down slowly. Niall threw hus head back in pleasure moaning my name. "Faster." He moaned. I disobeyed and just went slower. I felt his hand grip mine and move it up and down faster. "Come on Y/N I can't do all the work." He chuckled letting go. 

When he wasn't looking I surprised him by sticking it in my mouth. "Oh god Y/N!" He exclaimed. Finally having enough he shot his hot liquids into my mouth, swallowing it my mouth was brought up back to his. "Are you ready for this?" He asked looking me in the eyes. I nodded. He smiled and grabbed his dick. Placing the tip at my entrance he reattached his lips to mine and entered me. Gripping the side of the bed and taking fistfulls of the sheets I waited till the pain subsided. "I love you." Niall whispered again in my ear. "I love you too." I said kissing his cheek. He started gaining speed and soon I was bucking my hips with his. We had a rythm going til I started feeling it in my stomach. Niall's thrusts got sloppier and lost the rythm.

"I'm close." He said. I couldn't get one word out because of my moaning but I knew he knew I was also close. I released before he was even done. I pulled his head down to mine, "Cum for me baby. I want to feel all of it inside of me." I whispered in his ear. This sent him over the edge. Even as he pulled out some was still dripping out of him. 

He collapsed next to me."I love you." Said again. "I know you told me. I love you too baby." I pulled him back to me and kissed him. 

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