Louis Styles

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This isn't really dirty...Just a note play moments while you read this. Also I cannot take credit for this I found this on Tumblr and I think the persons name was Imwiththeclouds not really sure but I take no credit for this. Please enjoy.

Louis felt his phone buzz inside his pocket. Knowing who it was, he quickly pulled it out and slid his finger across the screen. His face lit up in excitement  when heard the familiar breaths of the person on the other line.

“Hey.” He whispered.

“Hey boo.” They said.

Louis laughed at the nickname Harry, his boyfriend, had given him. “Hey Hazza.” he added.

Harry laughed at the mention of his nickname - it’s been months since he last heard it. “Someone in a good mood.” He chuckled. “Who would’t be in a good mood when their boyfriend coming home to visit him?” Louis laughed.

“Oh? Was that today?” Harry joked.

Louis snorted. “Please. It’s all over the news baby cakes.” 

“Baby cakes, eh? I would like some when I get home.” 

“I’ll make some for you then.” Harry laughed. 

“Make sure their Tomo Tomlinson style.” 

Both of the boys laughed and soon fell into comfortable silence. Since Harry was famous, Louis and him barely had time to spend with each other before Harry got ship away for another tour. Luckily, his crew members talked to the manger saying that Harry should go home and spend time with Louis before leaving for America. Louis was ever so grateful  that the manger agreed for two weeks. The next few minutes revolved around the boys breathing into the phone, dreaming about the embrace of holding each other in their arms again. Suddenly, Harry spoke up.

“Hey boobear?”


“Promise me something - alright?” 

“Anything Harry.”

It took a moment for Harry to find the right words.“No matter what… We’ll always be together. Forever. Just promise me that… Please.” 

“I promise,” Louis said. “Geez, Haz. It sounds like you want to marry me or something.” He laughed. 

Harry licked his lips - this was it. Even if it was over the phone, he would do it.

“That’s what I’m asking Louis. When I get home, I want to marry you. I want to wake up next to you, I want to come home knowing that your there waiting for me. Louis, I love you and if I don’t ask this question I know that it will be the biggest regret in my life. Louis William Tomlinson - will you marry me?” 

Louis felt the tears roll down his checks as Harry finished his sentence. “Oh my god… Yes. Yes Harry, I’ll marry you.”  

Harry felt his lips turned into a smile. He could already feel the tears that threaten to spill out. “When I get home, I’ll give you the ring. Is that alright?”

“You already had a ring?!” 

“Of course I did,” Harry said. “Just something told me to ask you now. I don’t know what it was, but I’m glad I followed it.” 

“Oh Harry, I swear I worry about you sometimes.”

“That’s why we make the perfect couple.”

“I love you Harry.”

“I love you more-”

Before Harry could finish his sentence, loud noises erupted from the phone causing Louis to take the phone away from his ear. Even while the phone wasn’t up to his ear, he could hear the screams that came from it.

“Harry? Harry!” Louis screamed into the phone.

Louis could hear glass breaking and the sound of metal scarping against the street. He could feel his heart beating faster as he heard a cracking noise that sounded like someone’s head was hit against a hard door. Sirens were in the background, coming closer.

“No… No.” Louis mumbled, tears clogging his words. “Harry? Harry please answer me.” He begged. 

Silence filled the air. It wasn’t the normal comfortable silence that Louis and Harry would have. No, this was something more. Something that made Louis stomach turned when he heard someone yelling that someone was in the car bleeding. 

Tears where now falling from Louis eyes as he heard people more clearer. He knew he should take the phone away from his ear, he knew he should - but he could’t. It was as if someone had forced super glue onto the phone.

“Someone get him out!”

“He’s bleeding!! Someone call an ambulance.” 

Louis felt the phone drop from his hands and opened his mouth to scream, hearing nothing but thin air. He felt his heart break into pieces that he knew wouldn’t be fix.

He looked up at his phone and saw that the call was still on. He went next to it and pressed the ‘end call’ button. He rolled up into a ball and rocked back in forth. He didn’t want to believe that the person who was bleeding was Harry. He wouldn’t.

Suddenly, his phone begun to ring sending him out of his thoughts. He grabbed the phone into his hands and pressed ‘answer’ without even reading the name on the screen. “Hello?” He gasped.

“Is this Louis Tom-

“Styles. This is Louis Styles. Harry’s fiancé” He interrupted . 

There was a pause on the line, before the man started to speak again.

“I’m sorry, but your husband is dead.” 

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