Harry Styles

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"Stop treating me like a little girl!" I yelled to my mom from the top of the stairs. Since my dad died she was so judgmental, she hated my boyfriend Harry. We've been dating 5 months already and she still acts like he could lash out and kill me and day. "If he was going to do that he would have already!" I yelled to her.

"He's probably just waiting until the right time. Or when I'm not around." She yelled back in reply. I couldn't even believe what she was saying to me. 

"You're ruining my life!" I screamed. I know it hurt her but it was hurting me at what she was saying about my boyfriend. "You are never seeing Harry again! And I will make sure of it!" She yelled back to me. 

Tears brimmed my eyes, threatening to spill over. "I hate you!" I screamed and stomped off to my room making sure to slam my door. I picked up my phone from my bed and switched it on seeing I had a message from Harry. I smiled as I tapped on the screen and read his message.

'What's up babe?' He said.

'Nothing. My mum said I can't see you again.' I replied. I imagined his face as he read my message.

' Why?' He texted back moments later.

'She says one day you'll lash out and hurt me or something.'

'I would never.'

'I know.' I smiled at Harry's message. He was a great guy and an amazing boyfriend! I love him and he loved me. He's just had this bad boy image since he was young so it made him irrelevant to how he was supposed to act. 

I would say I changed him but I did no such thing. 

'Can I come over?' He finally texted back. 

'My mum won't approve of that Styles, you know that.' I texted, smiling as I sent it because I deep down knew he would find a way around that.

'She won't know. ;)' I wondered what he meant by that. The only way you could get into my house was either through the back door or the front. Unless you climbed through windows, and I never knew Harry as the kind to climb into or out of windows. 

I threw off the T-shirt I was wearing and pulled on a blue jumper along with my black leggings and laid down on my bed and pulled my laptop onto my lap, logging into my Tumblr. 

I was in the middle of posting a picture when heard a tap on my window. I looked up from my screen to see Harry, with a half smile at my window.

 I jumped up from my bed and opened my window. His curly hair was pulled back in a red snapback and he had one of his leather jackets on. "Harry how did yo-" I was cut off my a pair of lips hitting mine. "Shh is your mum downstairs?" He asked looking me in the eyes. Still dazed I just nodded. His lips collapsed back into mine.

His tongue went over my bottom lip a few times asking for entrance. I was about to give it to him when his hand took a place on my butt and squeezed it gently. I moaned softly as he entered his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away slightly, his lips still brushing against mine, "Jump." He whispered. I jumped on landed on his hips. My legs wrapping around skinny frame. 

He laid on top of my gently on the bed. My hands had wandered freely and pulled the snapback off his head. Letting his curlys fall loose tickling my forehead.  My hands wandered to his shirt when he had pulled it off over his head and tossed it somewhere else. 

His hands impatients wandered to my jumper and pulled it off. His fingers unclipped my bra and tossed it to the other side of my bed leaving my boobs to press freely to his chest. "I want you so bad Y/N." He whispered in my ear and started sucking on my neck. I unbuckled his pants he was wearing and threw them to the floor and I shrugged out of my leggings and lost them somewhere on the bed as Harry and I touched eachother.  

His fingers played with my panties which were now wet with the thoughts of thinking of him inside me. Pulling them down till they were finally off he slowly took one of his fingers and rubbed my area. It felt amazing. I wanted to moan out loud but my mom was downstairs so I held it in. Two of his fingers entered me and I had to pull Harry closer to me to surpress my moaning.  

The buldge in his pants was telling me he was ready. I moved so his fingers were out of me. I pulled Harry to me and re attached my lips to his as I palmed through his boxers. His already throabing hard on begging to come out. 

Pulling them down I released it as it hit his stomach. How big he was was just breath taking. Licking my  hands first I took his dick in my hands and slid up and down his hard on.  He bit his lip trying to hold in a moan as I was. His large hands came down and removed mine from him slowly and pushed me back into the mattress. "You're going to have to be quiet okay?" He asked looking in the eyes. Nodding back to him in response He slid it inside me. 

His thrust we slow and easy until he started picking speed. I bit my lip so hard I knew it would soon start to bleed. Harry bent down and kissed me as he kept going. I let a small moan escape on accident leaving Harry to look at me. Soon his hand was over my mouth as he got fast. I gripped the sheets as he slid in and out of me. "God Y/N You're so tight." He whispered to me. His hand slipped down from my mouth an by accident I let one slip. My moan was loud and it got Harry to stop and look at me. "Shut up or I swear to god I'll get the ductape." He said leaning over as he placed his hand back over my mouth and began again. 

I was so close and Harry could tell because so was he. I felt my walls tightened and I released on him. Harry breathing hard and sweating was still going. I pulled him close to me and started rubbing his balls. "Oh my god." He said and released inside me. 

Pulling out he collapsed onto of me and kissed my forehead. "You're mum will neverkeep us apart." He whispered before pulling me closer to him. Or naked bodies intertwinded. "I love you." I whispered breathlessly to him. "I love you too." He said as he snuggled into me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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