Chapter 12: Skating on Ice Never Felt So Nice

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Brad's Point of View

     We've finally pulled up at Canarsie Skating Hall, were my mom dropped me off. It was then that I realized that I never told Carey where to meet me here! My mother waited at the rink with me because she wanted to meet Carey, but after a while, she decided to leave. After nearly a half an hour, I finally saw Carey walk through the door. Her outfit was outstanding. Did I mention it was gold?

"Hey, Carey, Over here!", I signaled her.

"Hola, Bradley", he said with a grin.

After some small talk we went to the booth to rent some ice skates.

"Size 9 please", I said. "How about you, Carey?"

"Size 7 please", Carey said to the woman at the booth.

"Wow, Carey. Your feet aren't that big... compared to my sister's."

Carey giggled. "It's ok. I don't mind. For me, everything comes in a size 7."

Then we put on our skates. The moment I got on the ice, I nearly broke my ankle. Carey, laughing her head off, slipped and fell too.

"Umm, can you ice skate because I can't."

"Nope", Carey snapped. "But we may as well make the most of this."

So we held on to the rail. We tried to make the most of it, though we continued to slip and slide. I wanted to hold Carey's hand, but I figured it would have been awkward. Suddenly, she rested her hand upon my shoulder. Therefore, I put my hand on hers. We exchanged smiles and I saw that Carey blushed. I began to wonder what all that meant. Soon after, Carey let go of my shoulder. She did figure eights, spins, even leaps.

"Did you not just say that you couldn't skate?", I questioned.

"Yeah I did, but I guess skating is just one my many hidden talents", she said as she smirked. "Here, by my skating partner", she said.

I gladly took her hand. We were skating all over the rink.  We were almost like professionals.... almost. Then we went to a pause.

"Brad, are you hungry?", Carey asked.

"Yes, I am. Let's go to the snack bar. Are you up for chocolate pudding and gummy worms with crushed oreos?", I questioned her.

As Carey nodded her head, we went over to buy it.

"It's on me", I told her. "I insist." The pudding was delicious.

"This is great, Brad. I totally love ice skating now.", Carey told me. "What time do your parent want you to leave?", she asked me.

"Three Forty-five.", I responded.

"It's three fifteen now. We still have time", stated Carey.

So we went back to ice skating. I got easier and easier each time. I was just my crush and I, gliding on ice. We were both having an awesome time.

"Ooh, a photo booth", I exclaimed. We went in and we took all kinds of silly pics. Carey's smile is super cute.

"Ummm..... you don't mind if we exchange phone numbers, do you? Only to just keep in contact... that is", Carey said calmly.

At that point, I felt like doing a ton of backflips, but luckily, I kept my sanity.

"Here it is". I gave her mine as soon as I finished writing it and she gave me hers in return. I then realized I had gotten I text from my father. It was "Hey, Bradley ol' chum. I will be picking you up in a few mins. Be ready when I get there. Btw, I would like to meet Carey when I get there. I explained to Carey that I'd best be getting ready to leave. A few minutes had gone by when my dad walked through the door of the skating hall.

"Hello, Brad", he said. "This must be Carey."

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Morgan", said Carey. I could tell she was trying her best to be her best kind of polite. After more small talk, all went well. We said goodbye to each other and soon, we went our separate ways.

"How was it son?", asked my father.

"It was wonderful, dad. And right before that 'are you okay' look my dad gave me I said... "I realized that skating on ice never felt so nice!"

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