Chapter 15: Valentines Indeed

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  Carey's Point of View

 OMG!!!!! :) Valentines Day is officially here. Feeling extra jolly this morning I decided to wear my hair down. Usually, I would wear it in buns, ponytails, or even pigtails. But, today was special, so I needed a special hairstyle to go with it as well. While eating breakfast, which was French toast, hash browns, and cinnamon cereal, I wrapped up Bradley gift nice and tight. Because, my parents and the triplets didn't know about the gift, I made sure I was as secretive and discreet as possible.. I was barely finished when I was spotted by Matthew.

"Good Morning, Carey", he said, not noticing the fact that my hair was down and that I had Brad's gift.

Afterwards, I brushed my teeth, then I was ready for school. My mom was driving me to school today, since it was brutally cold again. In the car, my mother gave me the usual lecture.

Now, Carey, be a leader and not a follower. Be respectful at all times, and excel in all your classes."

Feeling quite agitated at the same old stuff she tells me, I let out an unnoticeable groan. The classes before lunch really seemed  to  drag out. I couldn't wait to get there and give Brad his gift. I was now in Miss Carson's class. Man, I hate math. Luckily, I didn't have to worry sitting next to Macy O'Dowell. She was on the other side of the classroom. Today, I sat with Melinda, Bella, and Raelynn. I wasn't sure if I should tell them about the 'thing' between Brad and I. I thought it would be too embarrassing, especially since we got caught for doing it. I know, I'm keeping plenty of secrets. But I'm going to tell them... just not right now.

"Hey, Carey", Mel, Belle, and Lynnie said in unison.

Then, they asked how the skating went with Brad and I. I just gave them all the facts. Just then Miss Carson came over to my desk.

"Excellent job, Miss Andrew. Of course I expect this from you, but you're very smart.

With that, I went head over heals. "This is definitely going to raise my grade from an 85% to a 95%", I proclaimed.

"Let's not count our chickens before they hatch, but I'm happy for you.", said Raelynn.

Just then, the bell for lunch rang. Literally pushing others out of the way, I ran to the cafeteria, where Brad and his friends were already there, waiting for me.

"The girl is nuts", mumbled Melinda.

"Hey, Carey. Hope you don't mind the fact that my friends are sitting here", Brad said.

"No, it's fine", I told him. "My friends are going to sit here, too."

All went well. Brad's friends are insanely crazy, yet very funny.

"Umm... Carey?", Brad asked. "I have something for you; and by the way your hair looks nice."

Once again my heart started to beat faster and faster. "Remain calm, Carey", I thought.

"Well, I have something, too, Bradley," I answered.  I slowly took out the gift. "Here you go", I said.

Brad thanked me for the gift. It was obvious that he loved it. Then, he turned away for a few seconds. When he turned around, I saw chocolates and a poem. It was simply lovely....

C- caring and smart

A- amazing with a big heart

R- radiant & respectful with a big hear

E- excellent just like a shooting star

Y- you are great Carey!!!

The chocolates were yummy, but decided to give Brad some.

"Here you go. You gave me this amazing gift. the least I can do is give you some of it.", I said.

"Thanks a bunch Carey", Brad said. "You are an amazing girl with cool friends."

Then, for  the rest of lunch, we just sat and ate with Melinda, Bella, and Raelynn laughing it up and Frank, Alexander, and Kenneth acting goofy as usual. But, all I could do was think about Bradley and Carey. It was then that I knew it...... we were truly Valentines Indeed.


Thank you ALL for reading!!! Sorry about all my flaws and mistakes. Please, Please, Please stay for my new drama Broken Harmony in which I will start ASAP!!! Love you ALL <3 !!!!


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