8:11 on 4/24

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Mystery girl wakes up the next morning in the same position as the night before. But now, there's something cold pressed against the side of her head. She blinks a few times as the morning light invades her pupils.

She tries to bring her hand up to her head, but something stops her. Small fingers curl around her wrist and move her hand back down. It's only then that the mystery girl sits up quickly, looking at the girl leaning overtop of her.

"What are you doing?" Mystery girl snaps. Camila ignores her, continuing to dab the dried blood around the girl's temple.

"You look like shit," Camila comments on the bruises surrounding the girl's face. Giving up, mystery girl huffs and falls back onto the couch, rolling her eyes. Camila just now notices the bright shade of green behind them.

Without saying anything, the girl holds out her knuckles between them. Camila bites down on her bottom lip when she sees the small scrapes and bruises there.

"I'm guessing you won?" Camila asks with a small laugh, beginning to clean mystery girl's knuckles as well. She hasn't really had the time to wonder if she's in any danger. She just wants to fix the girl.

"I don't think anyone's a real winner, here," the girl shrugs. Camila clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth and continues cleaning the girl's cuts.

"Thanks for not running me over," Camila adds after a few moments of silence. She pats herself on the back for cracking such a witty joke, but mystery girl simply nods and lays her head against the back of the couch.

Camila rolls back over to her side of the couch (which still crinkles annoyingly under her weight), lighting another cigarette and holding it in between her teeth. She's confused when Lauren snaps her fingers without even looking in her direction. Realizing what she wants, Camila places another cigarette between the girl's fingers and lights it carefully.

"Lauren," Camila reads, just noticing the nametag on the pocket of her jacket. "That's your name?"

Mystery girl nods. Camila bites her lip, finally being able to put a name to a face. It fit her. Lauren. The name rolled off of her tongue nicely.

"Camila," the girl says softly, blowing out another puff of smoke. "That's my name."

"Camila," Lauren draws out her name, enunciating each syllable slowly. The smaller girl simply nods, toying with the red bandana that kept her hair pulled back.

Both girls sit back on the couch, staring at the ceiling and watching as every few moments, a drop of water would leak from the corner. Camila follows it with her eyes each time, listening as the rain continued to play the drums against the roof.

And then, as if she disappeared out of nowhere, Lauren is gone. Camila hears the girl's footsteps disappearing down the fire escape and wonders if she's going home.

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