7:59 on 6/28

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Camila decides that the devil is real when she comes down from the roof to find Lauren on the couch, holding a wet cloth against her bloodied lip. The girls make eye contact and before Camila has a chance to put up her defenses, she's sitting down next to the girl and taking the cloth from her shaky hands.

"He really doesn't deserve you," Camila whispers, taking a deep breath and dabbing at the dried blood around Lauren's mouth. She can feel the girl's eyes searching her own, but she doesn't dare to look up.

"If not him, then who?" Lauren's voice is barely a whisper, and it takes Camila a few moments to realize what she has said. There's words prodding at the back of her throat, threatening to spill over in waves. But instead, Camila just continues dabbing at Lauren's lip.


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