11:31 on 7/08

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"I'm such a fucking paradox."

Lauren is sitting on the bathroom floor and Camila is carefully cleaning the cuts on her shoulder. This is one of their worst nights yet and Camila has come to decide that she's never hated someone as she hates mystery man.

But she doesn't ask questions. That's just how it is.

Camila knows that Lauren will continue talking, so she allows her words to echo around the room. And sure enough, after taking a deep breath, Lauren breaks the silence once more.

"It's like I purposely try to screw myself over," Lauren mutters and hangs her face down (Camila has noticed that Lauren likes to use her hair as a curtain). The brown eyed girl shakes her head, forcing the dark haired girl to look upwards so she could begin wiping at the dried blood around the bridge of her nose.

"This must just be how life's supposed to be," Lauren mumbles under her breath. Camila doesn't know how much longer she can take the heartbreak of watching the green eyed girl tear herself apart.

"I'm worried about you," Camila whispers, not even realizing what she was saying. Surprisingly, Lauren doesn't argue with her. Instead, she just sighs and hugs her knees to her chest.

"Me too."

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