9:53 on 5/22

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Camila is poking at the half eaten turkey sandwich on the couch the next morning when Lauren wakes up. Camila had heard their visitor take off after his duty was done. When Lauren never joined her on the couch, the brown eyed girl lit herself another cigarette and ended up falling asleep a while later.

Camila tries her best to ignore the dark haired girl who is struggling to find something in the kitchen. She hears the clatter of empty cabinets being opened and shut and the curse words that Lauren mumbles under her breath. And Camila tries so hard to mind her own business, but when Lauren lets out a frustrated sigh, Camila's defenses fall without any resistance.

So now Camila is kneeling next to the girl in the bathroom, holding up her hair and rubbing her back while Lauren empties the contents of her stomach into the toilet. And Camila can't help but wonder if Lauren will ever take the covers off of their furniture. She wonders if this is just how it will always be.

covers ➸ a camren one shotWhere stories live. Discover now