7:28 on 4/24

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Camila is sitting on the couch when Lauren reappears from within the kitchen. She hands Camila half of a turkey sandwich, plopping down beside her and propping her legs up on the coffee table. Camila takes a bite and wonders why Lauren doesn't bother to take the covers off of all the furniture. Maybe she doesn't want it to feel like home.

Camila is confused when later that night, she hears heavy footsteps approaching up the fire escape. They've been sitting on the couch since dinner, passing a cigarette back and forth without exchanging any words. Lauren doesn't flinch when two figures slide through the broken window and into the apartment.

The small brown eyed girl sits up quickly, glancing at Lauren with concern flickering in her eyes. But Lauren simply shrugs.

And now they're sitting on the roof of the apartment because the rain has died down. And one of the men has practically shoved his tongue down Lauren's throat and Camila feels her blood boiling at the sight next to her. When their other visitor (who smells strangely like a wet dog) tries to slither his hand up her thigh, she stomps out her cigarette and hoists herself back down onto the balcony.

When Lauren comes back inside (alone this time), Camila doesn't look in her direction. Something inside of her is stopping the words from leaving her mouth. She lies back on the couch, gazing up and looking at the constellation cracks in the ceiling.

She doesn't stop Lauren when the black haired girl trudges over to the couch, lifting Camila's legs so she can sit down before placing them back on her lap. It is only them that Camila looks up, noticing that the former mystery girl is holding a wet cloth against her eye.

She doesn't say much, but when Camila sees the frustration in Lauren's eyes, she scoots closer to the girl and replaces her hand with her own, applying pressure abound the newly formed bruise. She wonders if Lauren doesn't take the covers off of the furniture because she doesn't want to stain them.

covers ➸ a camren one shotWhere stories live. Discover now