6:08 on 7/19

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Camila hates the rain.

It comes down in thick sheets, making their roof leak even more than usual. Camila has spent the entire day running back and forth from the bathroom, emptying buckets over and over. Which is why she doesn't even hear the heavy footsteps on the balcony.

What she does hear, though, is the sudden noise behind her. At first she thinks it's thunder, but when she turns around, she's quickly proven wrong.

Lauren is taking the covers off of the furniture.

Camila watches as the dark haired girl yanks the plastic sheet off of the couch, the crinkling sound echoing around the room. Standing frozen, Camila's eyes follow Lauren.

She's marching out to the balcony, her footsteps heavy against the floor. She balls up the tarp, shocking Camila when she swings her arm back and tosses it over the edge of the railing.

Lauren pays no attention to Camila as she continues ripping the covers off of their furniture. She's soaking wet, her hair pressed slick against her skin and her clothes a darker shade of gray than they had been when she left this morning.

There's blood running down her face, Camila realizes. She forgets all about the leak in the ceiling.

"You're bleeding," is all Camila can manage to stammer out when Lauren reappears in the living room. The girl grunts, acknowledging her for once. She doesn't say anything else, though. Lauren continues ripping the tarps off of their chairs and flinging them over the balcony.

Camila can't help but wonder if there's some twisted symbolism behind this. There is a different energy lingering in the air between them. Nothing she's ever experienced before. She feels as if they're on the edge of some sort of revelation.

When the last piece of furniture is unsheathed from its plastic fortress, Camila is already hurrying over to Lauren with a wet cloth.

Lauren brushes right past her, though, leaving Camila confused and concerned. She toys with the cloth in her hands while Lauren grabs a chair from the living room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Camila gasps, watching as Lauren drags the chair over to the balcony. Before Camila can stop her, she's heaving the chair on her shoulder and it disappears over the edge of their railing. Even though the rain pounding down on their roof is deafening, Camila can still hear the crash of the chair as it collides with the pavement. She winces. (Splintering wood against concrete isn't the most pleasant sound)

Camila can only watch as the coffee table follows the chair's descent, meeting it's inevitable fate in the form of a nosedive to the pavement. And then the armchairs. Her mind only catches up with her body when Lauren begins dragging the couch along the floor, an ear piercing screeching noise filling the otherwise empty room.

"Lauren, what the hell are you doing?" Camila drops the rag to the floor, hurrying over to try and stop the girl. The moment Lauren's eyes meet hers, though, she's a goner.

"Please," Lauren whispers. It's only then that Camila sees the pure desperation in her eyes. She can see the blood running down the corners of her mouth and the bruise forming just above her right eye. And in that moment, she realized she would do anything for her. (and it terrifies her more than she's willing to admit)

So that's why, now, she's hurrying over to the other side of the couch, helping Lauren lift it up and carrying it out onto the balcony. And when it makes its final descent, crashing into the concrete beside its counterparts, Lauren turns to Camila and grabs her hand.

"Let's go," Lauren's voice is low and hoarse, but all Camila can focus on is the fact that their fingers fit together perfectly. She's never held hands with Lauren before and the warmth spreading through her veins is proof that this is how it's supposed to feel (like a million fireflies have made their home in her ribcage).

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