(December 5, 1875- Live. Love. Protect.)

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Charles had just arrived home from a hard day's work at Hanson's Mill when he found his wife— crying her eyes out in the kitchen. "Caroline, what's wrong," he inquired. Caroline sniffled, "I'm fine, Charles. Nothing's wrong." "You wouldn't be crying, Darling if nothing was wrong, so please... tell me what's wrong," Charles replied. Caroline said, "I broke the eggs." Charles retorted, "So you broke the eggs, but you're not that upset over the eggs— are you?" Caroline shook her head no and said, "Maybe if I had just sold them the eggs...," She paused. "Them? You mean the Galender's," said Charles. Caroline nodded. "What happened," he asked. Caroline said, "They stopped me and grabbed me." Charles, now infuriated, snapped, "Those Galender's put their hands on you?" "Yes," Caroline replied, crying even harder than before. Charles jumped into the wagon and dashed off to the Galender place. "Hey, Mr. Ingalls, what brings you here," asked Sam Galender. Charles replied, "I came here to find out which one of you put your hands on my wife earlier today." "That gorgeous woman with the eggs was Mrs. Ingalls," asked Sam, playing dumb. "Yeah and this is for you for putting your hands on her," Charles said, then punching Sam in the face. Soon, a brawl ensued— busting three of Charles' ribs.

Today's Battles Are Tomorrow's Triumphs: The Jacob Noah "Jake" Ingalls StoryWhere stories live. Discover now