chapter 2

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"You were good baby girl." The man said as he zipped up his pants. He walked out the room to find Quinn. I heard laughter and talking from down the hall.

These stupid bitches I swear. I thought to myself. Quinn came in the room with my clothes.

"Hurry up so I can take you home." He untied my arms from the bed. I looked at my wrist and started to massage them. How the Fuck am I supposed to hide this from Ashton.

"Madori I said hurry and put ya fuckin clothes on. Not look at ya wrist." He said getting impatient.

"I'm sorry Quinn." I hurried and slide on my clothes and followed Quinn out the room and down the hall. This had to be one of his trap houses over here on the southside.

"Ayee Chris come ride wit me so I can drop this girl off." Quinn said to his home boy.

Chris p.o.v

Me and my nigga Quinn go way back. His mama and my mama used to be friends when we was younger. I helped him wit his first fight, Fuck his first bitch, I was even there for him at his mana funeral. That was hard on him. That's why he don't love these hoes. His mama was a Hoe and one day she slipped. We was both there when that man beat her to death. All she was doing was screaming and screaming. We wasn't strong enough to fight him ourselves. So we left the house and went to find my mama. Bout time we got back it was too late.

"Ayee nigga I know you hear me." Quinn said snapping his fingers in my face.

"Bruhh I know you want them sausage ass fingers. Keep dem over cooked things outa my face." I said while getting up.

"So you got jokes huh ?? That's iigh cuz ima flame yo ass when we come back." We walked outside to Quinn's black range rover. I let Madori sit in the front cuz I wanted to lay down. I ended up dozing off.

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