The signs at a sleepover

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Note:all signs are girls

Pisces has just issued a sleepover for all  of her classmates. She thought since it was the end of the school year everyone should still get together.
It was 8:00 PM and Pisces changed into her PJs. Soon she heard her doorbell ring, then a knock.
She opened the door, and her first guests were Gemini and Aries.
"What's up, Pisces? Thanks for inviting us to this sweet party!" Exclaimed Aries
"Yeah! I just can't wait to do all the fun things! Like braiding each other's hair, tell jokes and scary stories, truth or dare, and-" Gemini was interrupted by another knock at the door, then endless doorbell rings.
She opened the door and there stood Leo, Sagittarius, and Libra. Pisces notice Sagittarius still ringing the doorbell.
"Sagittarius, would you please stop ringing my doorbell?!" She shouted.
Sag froze. "Heheh, sorry. Couldn't help myself" she grinned.
"Hi Pisces! Thanks for inviting us!" Libra exclaimed.
"No problem! Now let's just wait for the remaining girls to arrive!" Pisces replied.
Next came Cancer, Scorpio, and Taurus. Cancer and Scorpio were Pisces best friends, and Taurus was a helpful and loyal friend to them.
Finally, Capricorn, Virgo, and Aquarius arrived tardy because Aquarius had to wait for Cap and Virgo to finish their studies.
All the guests have finally arrived, so Pisces started announcing, "Yay! Everyone's here! So what should we do first?"
"Truth or dare!"
"They're always gonna ask who do you like!"
"It better not be food Taurus!"
"Scary stories!"
"Scorpio it's not even dark yet!"
"QUIET!!!" Pisces exclaimed. "Please, one at a time!"
Everyone froze and then finally, Aries said,"We should let the first zodiac sign go, of course," proudly.
Pisces didn't think that was a bad idea, but the others thought it was. "So that means Aries always gets to choose first?" Virgo asked.
"That's not fair," Libra remarked.
Pisces thought about it, then answered, then I will choose the game. Let's do competitions and contests first."

~~~5 minutes later~~~
After all the contests were set up, they started the first one, a swimming competition in Pisces' pool (it's pretty big). "Who are the contestants for swimming competition?" Pisces asked.
"Oh me!" Exclaimed Aries. "I'm the best swimmer around!"
"I would like to participate too!" Sagittarius said.
Pisces wrote down their names. "Alright anybody else?"
Then there was a tap on her shoulder.
"Oh hi, Scorpio! Would you like to-"
" I think you should do it too," she told Pisces.
Pisces was surprised. " m-m-me?" She stuttered. " but I'm no good like Aries or Sagittarius!"
Cancer popped up behind Scorpio. "But your the top swimmer in our neighbor hood! Even if you don't beat them, it still proves that your a determined swimmer!"
So Pisces decided that she will participate, even after hesitating. Soon the race began. Gemini was the judge and spectator was Aquarius.
"You will have to do four laps of each style of swimming ( free style, back stroke, etc.) and, of course, first one who finishes wins!" Gemini explained.
"But there are a few rules here," Aquarius said. "You cannot doggy paddle or grab the other person and push them down, and of course you can't drown. Break these rules, your out. "
"On my mark, get set, GO!"
The race started. First in the lead was Aries, then Sag, then Pisces. For Aries and Sagittarius they were neck to neck, but Pisces she was a little behind.
I have to keep going! She thought. My friends put so much trust in me, so I have to win! She pushed with all her might as she was finally on her last lap. She past Sagittarius and barely past Aries. Aries noticed and thought oh hell no! And pushed her away. Then she finished as Pisces came in second, than Sag third. "Yes! I won I won" she exclaimed.
Aquarius blew her whistle. "Aries, you cheated at the end by pulling Pisces. Therefore, you are now second, and Pisces is first."
Pisces was surprised. Then she was happy. "Yes! I did it! I won!"
"Congrats, Pisces!"
"I am ashamed of you, Aries."
"Shut up, Sag at least I beat you!"

~~~1 hour later~~~

After hot dog eating contest and beauty contest, the rest of the sleepover was with exciting truth or dare and scary stories. Secrets were uncovered, there were crazy dares, and chilling stories. Finally it was time to sleep, but Aries, Gemini, and Sag were chattering so much, Leo was still fixing her hair, Taurus discussed her favorite tv shows with Aquarius and Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo reviewed their studies, and cancer, libra, and Pisces just talked about sweet, girly things. Pisces loved having friends over!

That was very long. Just saying :)also please vote for me and I would love to vote for yours too!

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