Hey y'all, if you like Pokémon and are interest in science, philosophy, or anything of the sort, check out my other book Pokemon Teaches! I write short essays about science topics that relate to pokemon. For example, the bulbasaur line and reptiles, photosynthesis, and poison ivy. It would mean a lot to me if you read it and dropped some votes or comments, so thank you and enjoy this chapter!
Aries: fire/fighting
Taurus: Ground/Normal
Gemini: Flying/Psychic
Cancer: Water/ghost
Leo: Fire/Electric
Virgo: Ground/Poison
Libra: Flying/Steel
Scorpio: Water/Dark
Sagittarius: Fire/Fairy
Capricorn: Ground/Rock
Aquarius: Flying/Dragon
Pisces: Water/Ice
Zodiac Scenerios and Stories
Short StoryEach of the 12 Zodiac signs will come together and have silly and (possibly) romantic stories, reactions, etc. will do all requests for short stories of reactions. ( i get most posts from tumblr but not the stories)