The Signs as Pokemon (Dual) Types

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Hey y'all, if you like Pokémon and are interest in science, philosophy, or anything of the sort, check out my other book Pokemon Teaches! I write short essays about science topics that relate to pokemon. For example, the bulbasaur line and reptiles, photosynthesis, and poison ivy. It would mean a lot to me if you read it and dropped some votes or comments, so thank you and enjoy this chapter!

Aries: fire/fighting

Taurus: Ground/Normal

Gemini: Flying/Psychic

Cancer: Water/ghost

Leo: Fire/Electric

Virgo: Ground/Poison

Libra: Flying/Steel

Scorpio: Water/Dark

Sagittarius: Fire/Fairy

Capricorn: Ground/Rock

Aquarius: Flying/Dragon

Pisces: Water/Ice

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