5: Tucker

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Tuckers POV

Nothing ever scared me. Nothing.
Until the day Rowen looked at me that way.

When they talked I got jealous. It wasn't anything like I imagined. My stomach turned when she kissed him. He's my best friend. Why should I care?
Then came the first time I actually saw them kiss...
That's right. They kissed in the parking lot. Right outside my house. I stood in front of my window watching them. I felt awful. It's hard to describe feelings like that at age fifteen.  When I saw him kiss another person, my mind went to things like: I want to do that with Rowen.

The bus ride that day was excruciating. Watching him text and laugh and talk about his girlfriend. But I had hope. And I think he saw that glimmer shine in my eyes as I headed off to my house.

The next day, Rowen looked down. I asked him what was wrong, a little out of character for me, but these fuzzy feelings made me do strange things all the time. I was sure it did that to Rowen too.
"Clara and I broke up" He said sighing, but not too sad of a sigh.
More like hopeful for what came next.
"You're not sad." I whispered, realizing his tone and look in his eyes.
"Nope." was all he said before class began. A blush heated my cheeks as I thought about him all day.

Maybe Rowen was right sometimes. I was stupid. I was an idiot. Because I did what my heart told me. I went to his house.  I knocked on the door. I waited for him to open the door. I heard him call 'Come in'.
I opened the door. Rowen smiled. The room smelled of alcohol, but it wasn't his.
"Come here" He said pulling me in.
Lust was all that consumed me as we locked lips, and conversation seemed to be the last thing on our minds, a grave mistake on his part.

On mine as well as I left his house feeling empty of anything but lust. He didn't want just lust right?


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