Chapter 7

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I ran back home after school. The cars were zooming by like fire jets racing to the end of the Earth or something. When I got home, I laid on my small bed staring at the beige ceiling. My room didn't have that much. Just a bookcase, closet, and desk, and the bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Victoria. Her limp, bloody body will be forever imprinted in my brain.

I got up from the bed, my brown hair all over the place and walked to my desk. I knelt down, the carpet brushing against my knees. I opened the top drawer, taking out a pink photo album. I opened it smiling at every picture of me and Victoria. I brought to my bed to look at it under the faded sunlight. The sun was just about to set.

The album showed my and Victoria on almost every date we been to. Eating ice cream at the beach, going to the park to take a walk, and so many other places I wish I was right now, with Victoria. I almost cried when I saw the picture of when me and Victoria shared our first kiss. I thought about how Victoria and I first met...


I was the new kid in middle school. It was seventh grade and everyone knew everyone. I held onto my black schoolbag tightly as if it were my only friend. I walked down the crowded hallways trying to find the main office so I can get my schedule and locker. Everywhere I turned there were people talking to friends. I felt like a outcast from the bunch of people who were the same age as me.

I walked down the hallways each one looking the same as the one before. I was so confused and lost. Just as I was about to lose hope and and just stand there and cry letting all the people laugh at me, a girl came up to me with a friendly smile.

"Hi! I'm Victoria! You must be the new student!" She said grinning widely. I could see her purple braces. "What's you're name?"

"Uhhh, it's Dustin," I replied still holding onto my schoolbag.

"Cool name! I never met a Dustin before!" Victoria exclaimed widening her eyes.

"Really?" I asked with shock.

"Yeah. Anyways, do you need to know where the main office is? You seem lost."

"Yes! Thank you if you do show me!" I replied grateful with her question. At least I don't have to cry...

"Sure! Come with me I'll show you," she said and she started walking down the stairs to the second floor which was just one floor down.

We walked for a while, until we reached a blue door with the word "OFFICE" labeled on it. Wow... Why didn't I think of that.

"Thanks, Victoria. Aren't you going to be late for class helping me like this?" I asked. I didn't want her to be late because of a new kid.

"Oh, don't worry. The teachers wouldn't mind. I'm helping someone anyways. So the time was used up wisely," she replied grinning. "You seem nice Dustin. Hope you're in some of my classes! See you around!"

She walked away after that. I went inside the office and and was greeted by a woman who gave my my locker number and schedule. When I got to my first class, turns out Victoria was there too. We exchanged schedules and noticed we have the same classes for everything! God was on our side.


After finishing that thought, I closed the album and put it in back in the drawer it belonged in. Good thing I already finished my homework, I was really tired. I feel asleep with pleasant dreams of Victoria.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2011 ⏰

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