First Game Fights

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Tuesday, September 22

I'm cleaning my kitchen after dinner, humming to myself, when my phone rings. I look at it, over on my table, then at my hands, which are immersed in soapy water from the dishes I haven't finished. I let it ring, continuing with the dishes. Whoever it is will leave a voicemail if it's important, and honestly, it's probably Dougie or Pasta calling to check in with me because I took a half day to go be with Bella. 

I finish the dishes, dry my hands, and check my phone. There's a missed call and voicemail from Andrew, of all people. I guess he did get my message. I pick my phone up, biting my lip, and listen to the voicemail. 

"Hi, Kylie, it's Andrew." His voice is so different, and yet, it's still the same. "I'm sorry to hear that Bella's back in the hospital and isn't doing well, I know that must be hard for you and Mom and Dad. Uh, it sounds like you're doing fairly well, which I'm glad to hear, especially since- well, you know.

"I got your message- obviously- and, while I'm so sorry for everything that you're going through with Bella, I don't think I'll be able to come back." 

My heart drops into my stomach as Andrew continues. 

"I don't think it would be wise to try and be your older brother again either- it's been a long time since we lived together, and honestly, I wasn't that good of a brother even when we lived in the same house. I think it would be even worse now because we're grown up and have our own lives that we've established separately." 

Tears well in my eyes and spill over my cheeks, but Andrew isn't done breaking my heart just yet.

"Kylie, the long and short of this is that I am terribly sorry for what you and Mom and Dad are going through, but I'm not coming back. I have my own life, my own family to worry about. I won't be, as you say, your brother again. I'm not fit for the role you want me to play in your life. I don't think I ever have been, and I don't think I ever will be. I'm very glad you're doing well, and I wish you the best, and my condolences are with you right now, but I am not coming back. I'm sorry." 

A sob is threatening to escape from my mouth, but I hold my silence as Andrew finishes. 

"Again, I'm sorry for everything. But I have one thing to ask you: please, never call me again. I don't think it would be a good for either of us." 

Andrew hangs up the phone, and I stare at it numbly before hurling it into my couch. 

"You bitch!" I nearly scream, tears falling from my face. "You absolute fucking coward!"

I collapse on my couch, sobbing. Bella is dying, and my bitch-ass brother just said he didn't want to be in my life at all. What a self-centered asshole. 

"Yeah," I mumble, wiping at my nose. "Fuck him. I don't need a jerk like him in my life anyway." 

Something vibrates and rings underneath me, making me jump, and I find my phone is ringing for a FaceTime call with Dougie. I answer it anway.

"Hey, Dougie." 

"Hey, Kylie- have you been crying?" 

I laugh once. "Wow, that was fast. And yes, I have been. I just got a wonderful voicemail from my bitch-ass brother where he said he didn't want to be in my life at all. So I'm having a grand evening." 

Dougie's red eyebrows are arched, and he's got an almost comical expression of disgust on his face. "Wow, fuck him. He sounds like a dick, and fuck him for not wanting to actually be a brother because he's too fucking scared to come back home." 

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