Gender Reveal Party!

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Riker's POV...
After we found out the gender of our baby we were shopping and brought the stuff for the baby shower, mom, dad and the others set up while we were at the hospital but we brought what we needed to find out.

Ryland drove to the venue where we were having the party  because I was still taken back by what we had been told at the doctors "I can't believe it" I said "so you've said a million times" Ryland said.

We pulled up outside and we got out and locked up the car, we had been home and picked up the cupcakes, we haven't yet decided how we were going to announce it so while at home we filled up the piñata with the correct color wrapped candy's, we grabbed the cupcakes made by our siblings they made some with blue icing and some with pink icing and we grabbed both and we hide the wrong ones incase anyone wanted to be sneaky.

Finally, we grabbed a box we had already put the correct color balloons inside. We grab the stuffed and go inside.

Ryland's POV...
"baby is here" Riker announced and mom came over and took the cupcakes from me and place them on the table.

I took the box and placed it outside and came in and locked the door, I then looked at Riker and breathed, I had been running around all day.

I started rearranging the table mom has set up, I moved the chalkboard on the wall instead of on the table so people could mark it off as they came in, it asked if people thought it was a boy or a girl.

As people started coming in I started shaking a little, I knew everyone would have their eyes on me, well on my bump, and I don't really like that idea "you will be fine" Riker told me wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

I start playing the music as the room fills up with people I can't believe mom invited people, I had no idea who half these where never mind why the heck they were at my baby gender reveal, I went over to mom "what the heck?" I snapped.

She looks at me "they knew you when you were little" she told me "knew mom knew me" I snapped and walked away, I ran in the bathroom and sat in a cubicle I couldn't do this. I was a freak a boy pregnant I mean come on?

"RyRy" I hear as I sob, "RyRy come on its me only me" it was Kaci she didn't care she was stood in the males bathrooms, I got up and unlocked the cubicle door and she ran over and hugged me instantly.

"Hey hey don't cry Ryland Michael Lynch doesn't cry" she told me "this freak does" I said out loud she pulled away "you aren't a freak, Riker just has good..." I cut her off "Kaci I don't need a biology lesson" I told her she laughed.

"So am I finding out first?" She asked smiling I shook my head "you find out when everyone else does" I told her as she wiped my tears for me "Ry? Don't get upset you can't help what happened God does this for a reason babe and that cause he knows you are so capable, people out there they are your family and friends they love you" she tells me.

I look at her "that's the problem I don't know who half of them are" I told her. She drags me out "fuck 'em" she told me I laughed.

*Later In The Party*
I look at Riker, "how we announcing it?" I ask him he shrugs, he was more interested in the alcohol and his mates, I roll my eyes and walk off "can I have a cupcake?" Bauer asked me "not yet baby.. Hey Bauer what do you think I should do Cupcakes, Piñata or Balloons?" I was stupid asking a 5 year old, but he was the one talk sense right now.

Bauer looks at me for a bit "Ryland it's your party" he told me "I know but I can't think right now" I told him honestly he rubbed my arm and then held my hand "trust your baby" he told me. I put my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes, this was stupid. Balloons.

I walked over to Riker who was talking to the guys he was on Glee with, I nudge him "we have to reveal this" I told him with no emoticon and walked outside I grabbed a cupcakes on my way.

As I walked outside I think, I can't remember actually blowing the balloons up I run to the box and open it a little, I sigh and walk back inside and punch Riker in the arm "I ask you to do ONE fucking job, and you can't even do it" I scream at him "Ry calm down" he says.

I look at him "calm down!!! CALM DOWN!!! if you are so fucking bothered about being up their arse fucking do it cause you obviously don't care about me or your child!" I scream and walked away with tears filling my eyes, I wanted to get this over with so I could leave.

"Kids come on" I said all the kids followed me I pointed to the piñata "you all have 3 tries" I told them there was only 8 children, they were only about 7 and under.

They all had 3 attempted each but none done it, "he's just crabby it's the baby I swear I can't wait until the one is out of him he might actually shut up and stop complaining" I heard Riker said he tried to say it quietly, I looked at the cupcake I still had in my hand.

I walked over to Riker, "next time you talk about me either learn to whisper or do it to my face" I told him loudly I saw everyone eyes on us "who's ready to see whether we are having a boy or girl" I announce and people cheered so I smacked the cupcakes into Riker face.

"Ryland Michael" mom scolded me "I made a mistake ever liking you more than a brother never mind sleeping with you" I told him and as tears filled my eyes, I walked out the room.

It wasn't long when I felt arms around me I looked up to see Mamoo "congratulations baby I saw all the beautiful pink" he told me I smiled at her weakily, I couldn't get out thank you.

She held me tightly "look Ryland you have always been such a strong little cookie, I don't want you have a child with Riker to break you. Think about your little girl" she told me, Mamoo was my strength, she helped me up and took me back inside.

I got congratulations and I handed out cupcakes, I felt my baby girl kick so I rubbed my stomach and breathed I needed to stay calm for my baby, she was all that mattered in my world right now.

I sat on the floor as my baby was having a break down inside of me, like the one I wanted to have so badly "I think something wrong" I told Ross softly as he kneeled down in front of me.

I shook my head at him "I don't feel well, she freaking out she won't stop my little girl something's wrong with her" I told him he put his hand on my lap "just breathe and relax" he said, he grabbed Rockys wrist as Rocky came over to us "something is wrong with Rose" he told him.

Ross named her Rose because it was close to Ross "the baby" I told Rocky "I'm going to the hospital" I told him getting up "let mom and dad and everyone know for me please, leave Riker until after you've told mom and dad and Mamoo please" I told him we nodded.

Ross led me to the car and got me in I was holding onto my stomach tightly and Ross began driving. Is was going to make Riker worry and I was so going to tell the doctor not to tell him. Ross and my little girl where all I needed right now.

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