Statement and Interviews!

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Ryland's POV...

I woke up to the sound of music being played from downstairs and I climbed out of bed and threw my black shorts and black tank top on, and then began going downstairs and with every steps I could smell food, it was making me hungry, I licked my lips and ran down the last few

Mom pops her head out the kitchen "good morning" she says smiling when she sees me "breakfast?" she asks, I nod I look and see Rocky looked little worse for wear, Mom and Dad didn't look in the best mood with him but they could never been extremelly mad at any of us. I take a seat an the breakfast table and mom places some waffles in front of me, and it doesn't take me long to dig into my breakfast.

While eating breakfast I could see Ross looking back and forth to me and Riker, I don't know why was a dream that he was fine with it or not? I just look at him and smile like I normal do and he smiles back thats when I know it was reality, he come over to me and whispers in my ear "are you going to tell everyone or not?" he asks

I opened my mouth to speak when theres a knock on the door as mom opens it, we all see there are two policemen stood there "can we speak to a Mr Riker Lynch and a Mr Ryland Lynch?" one of the two officers ask mom and she nods letting them in, she points to Riker "this is Riker" and then too me "and this is Ryland" she explains and then she took the others out the room into the back garden to let us speak in private.

"we had a phone call from a lady informing us that you were involved in incest, we just need to know if this is true or not?" one of the officers say, me and Riker look at each other then back at the officers and shake our heads "of course not officers" Riker says, he was a good liar but I was a bit worse, so I tried sticking too the shake my head and keeping it quiet.

Both the officers began reading our faces, I was so hoping I was giving it away then I thought about it's only incest if you have had sex and me and Riker haven't and I kept that in mind so I knew I was holding an honest face, but the officers looked disbelieving "are you two brothers?" one of them asked as the other one pulled out a notepad "yes" Riker answers, and the one with the pad writes something down "how old are you both?" the other asks "I'm 22" Riker asks "and I'm 17" I answer and again the other writes something down and I see the other look at Riker thought he was a criminal

"where you boys at Outback Steak House last night?" the officer with the notepad asked and Riker nodded "yes we slept in and everyone was out of the house by the time we woke up, and after a few hours we were still alone and we were hungry and there was no food in so I decided to treat my little brother to a meal" Riker says he says in a 'I didn't know that was illegal' tone of voice, both officers look between us, we are going to need you both to come down the station, to write a statement and answer to questions" the officer without the notepad says to us both.

"do I need my mom?" I ask I'd never been questioned by police between they both shake their head "no you are 17 you are old enough" they ask and we follow them to the police car and climb in the back and the police drive.

We finally get into the police station and me and Riker are place in different rooms, they hadn't even give us time to get our stories together so I was panicking like crazy then I started writing what Riker said in the house, I wrote what actually happened minus it being a date and stuff than made it date-like and the drinkings afterwards, I just wrote after we stop by the shop Riker got some junk food and alcohol, and we went back and watched a movie while eatting the junk food and Riker had a couple of cans and then we went to bed, it wasn't an excalty lie, it was half true, I just 'forgot' to add bits in.

A couple of minutes later an officer comes in the room "you finished?" he asked and I nod handing it too him, he takes it and has a quick read over it, I am so panicking that Riker wrote something completely different "right follow me for questioning" he says and I get up and follow him into a room with just a table and two chairs, it was like the movies.

I took my seat and the officer sat across from me he pressed a tape recorded "interview taken by Detective Brown at 11:37am suspect Ryland Michael Lynch, here are going to start.. right Ryland where you at a restaurant noon yesterday?" he says "yes" I say at first I nodded but he pointed to the tape so I knew I had to speak "what was the restaurant called?" he asks me "Outback Steak House" I answer, why is he asking me this when he already knows the answer "who were you with?" he asks "Riker Lynch, my big brother" I answer "was it just the two of you?" he asks "yes" I answer.

He looks at me and shifts in his seat "how come you went there together alone?" he asks me "well we were the only ones in the house, there was no food in and we were hungry, we weren't sure what time everyone was getting back or if they'd already had something to eat so Riker decided to just go without them" I answer there were a few more questions before he looks at his notepad for more questions or help and I see a smile grow on his face, that worried me.

"when you were out having your meal do you say 'very attractive Riker I know I'm your brother but come on I'm also your date right now'?" he asks me omg I knew I heard someone gasp when I said that, I can't lie my way out of that "yes" I say and he eyes grow "oh really?" he says "I was joking on with him like you said we were at a restaurant together and the way they had it set out that night looked like he were on a date I'm a joker that what I do" I say looking at him, his smile drops.

"Ryland are you a virgin?" he asks me I think this is abit of an inappropriate question I look at him "I don't feel comfortable answering that" I admit "well it has to do with the cases so it would be great help" he asks "no I'm not" I answer truthfully "is that the anal or not?" he asks "no" I answer "so you have never had anal sex?" he asks me and I shake my head "no never" I answer.

I felt something rub off my legs as I look down I see the detectives foot, what the heck "that's all my questions for today, interview suppended at 12:01pm" he says and turns off the tape recorded, omg I had I really been in there for near enough half an hour? I got up as fast as I could and tried getting out the room quickly too but the detective grabbed my arm "thats all the questions for today, if I have anymore I will be in touch" he says to me smiling and rubbing my arm gently, I felt uncomfortable then he made he feel worse as he leaned closer and whispered in my ear "you look gorgeous by the way can't wait to see what's under them clothes" and then he opens the door and I run out to see all my family waiting for me but Riker isn't there "where's Riker?" I ask him.

but as I ask Riker comes walking out of another interview room, and walks over to us all "Ryland you are ok you look like you are going to cry" Ross says causing everyone too look at me "I was just a little frightened I don't wanna talk about it" I say looking at the ground "Riker what was that all about?" mom asks "incest" Riker says honest as he stares blankly at the ground as he walks everyone exchanges looks and then looks at me and Riker who are both staring at the ground, we don't know where else to look and I think Riker is in his own little world.

We climb in the car and dad drives home on the way I cuddle into Ross after he puts his arm around me for comfort and suddenly I notice I am crying as I hear the voice of my own tears and crying, everyone looks at me "you ok RyRy?" they ask me I can't speak as tears fall into Ross's chest as he rubs my back "it's all going to be ok" he reassures but seriously how did he know, I want to tell them about what the officer did but what do I say he came on to me? but what if he never what if it was just  a thing police did and he didn't know he was rubbing my leg with his foot he might not have felt it cause he had a shoe on. Or do I say he threatened me? but that didn't really sound like a threat.. I don't know

We get home and I got straight upstairs and write down everything in my journal about the police run-in, I sit on my bed and just think about everyone that has gone on, I think I need to compare and contrast what me and Riker said to try and get our story straight, I need to do research on incest and I need to figure out what the hell that officer was doing to be cause that was creepy, it literally scared me.

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