'She' Has A Name!

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Riker's POV...
Ryland was refusing to do anything other than see our little girl, that included eating but his heart rate was too low so they were refusing to let him out of bed.

I look at Ryland "baby you just need to rest to get your energy back and then you can go see our little girl" I told him he looks at me "I am her father I have right to go see her, I just pushed her out for fuck sake" he shouted I breathe and rub my face "I know babe but it's best for you to-" he cut me off "Riker, I need to be there for my daughter that's what's best for me and best for her, I need to be with her" he said.

"If I get my energy, I expect to walk down there but they've already said I will need to be in a wheelchair so it's not like I'm going to pass out from exhaustion" he said more tears fall down his face "please Riker I need our little girl" he said causing me to start crying.

After half an hour the midwife finally agreed to let Ryland go down to see her, I helped get him in the wheelchair and we went down to see her.

We went over to where she is, she is just so precious: so was so tiny but so adorable, Ryland rubbed her little hand "hi bubba" he says to her, I smiled that was such a perfect sight seeing the two people I love most in the world like that.

I took a picture of them like that "you need to be strong, can you do that for daddy? You need to get out of here fast cause I need you with me yeah?" Ryland said just focusing in her, he looks at me "Isla?" He said "huh?"

He smiles weakly "can we call her Isla?" He asked and I nodded "perfect name for a perfect girl" I said he smiled then looked back at her "you really are perfect but when you get older I am not going to let you forgot the pain I've just went through for you to be here so you'd better be the most grateful child this world has seen" he said.

He smiles as she squeezed his hand a little "I love you baby girl" he said and Isla little out an sound, not a cry, it sounded more like she was talking back "she said 'I love you too daddy'" I tell him making him smile "I want to kiss her" he said so I help him stand up then he leaned over and kisses her head.

He sat back in the wheelchair "do you feel better now you've seen her?" I asked he shrugged "I guess yeah but I don't want her alone, you've heard about how many babies get swapped and you've heard how many baby's pass away when their parents aren't here" he replies, I rubbed his back and cuddled him "none of that is going to happen. Ryland you saw her for 2 minutes yet you knew which one was her when we came in here cause of your instinct and also she is a fighter just like you, she's going to pull through this and we will have her home with us in on time."

Claire looked at us "she's precious, isn't she?" She said Ryland nodded "she's perfect" he replied Claire smiled "you are great" she said "how do you know we've never slept together" Ryland said causing her and I to laugh "nice to see you are better" Claire said and I smiled at her "Claire?" Ryland asked she looked at him "is it normal visit times that I can come see her or anytime?" He asked "visiting time I'm afraid" she said and handed it a piece of paper with visiting times on.

We finally leave the NICU as visiting time ends and we went back to Ryland's room and got him in bed. It wasn't long before Mom, Dad and our siblings came in "hey how is she?" Mom asked "she's perfect" Ryland said and I showed them all a picture of her as Ryland said "I would like you to meet Isla Nixie Lynch" (A/N the picture Riker shows them is the picture attached)

Mom hugs him tightly "you did so amazing Ryland, I knew you had it in you" she said Ryland smiled, "I thought I was going to die" he admitted "he passed out for a while like" I told mom "I did?"Ryland asked I nodded mom hugged him.

Ryland and Mom sat talking about the labor and Isla. Ryland had the biggest smile on his face every time he mentioned her, which made me smile "Congratulations daddy" Ross said to me I smile at him "thanks Ross" he shook his head "I can't believe you and Ryland have a child" he said I laugh "same here" I said

Claire came in "you want your pain relief now Ryland?" Ryland nodded and she handed him some tablets and water "how good did he do?" Mom asked proudly, Claire smiled and nodded "he did amazing he didn't use gas and air through the pushes he only breathed it in three times at the most but that was it and he didn't scream" Claire said mom hugged Ryland tightly "see..I am so super proud of you, my baby boy" she said.

I went over to Ryland and kissed him he kissed back and I stuck my tongue in his mouth, he licked my tongue gently. I smiled as mom cleared her throat and we pulled away but Ryland didn't let me move my head away from his "I love you so much, thank you for making me daddy and thank you for being mine" he said he smiled "I love you too babe, you are so welcome cause you did the same for me" we shared a kiss but it was only a brief yet passionate one.

This boy was my dream and so is our beautiful daughter.

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