Pains and More..

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Riker's POV...
I got back from an interview and I had the guys with me, we walked into the house "Ryland, I'm home babe" I shout, taking off my shoes and putting them by the door.

He didn't reply, we all look at each other a little worried "Ry?" Rocky and Ross call out together but got no reply "he might be in the ba...." I said but I stopped as I got an image of him passed out in the bath. I run upstairs.

I ran into the bathroom but nothing, Ryland wasn't there and the bath was empty. I sighed, rubbing my face. Relax Riker relax. I went back downstairs.

We go into the living room to see Ryland sleeping on the couch cuddled into one of the baby's blankets, I went over and kissed his head.

It was then that I noticed he was sweating, I tapped him, wiping the sweat off my lips "Ry? Babe?" He woke up with a groan "you back already?" He says I nod "you been ok?" I asked and he nodded but I could see something was wrong in his eyes.

I looked at him properly and saw he had a hot water bottle to his stomach and a cushion between his legs. Something was definitely wrong.

I kneeled in front of him "babe? Don't lie. What's wrong? What's happened?" I asked. He grabbed my arm using it to sit up, he looked me properly "I've...I've been" he stopped a grabbed my arm tightly, he closed his eyes tight that made our siblings and Ellington jump to his side too.

Ryland's POV...
I, now, had everyone around me but I couldn't help it, I was up most of the night with pains, I was exhausted. I was ready to cry too.

I look at Riker "I've been having pains" I told him he looked shocked "babe? Where?" He asked I rubbed the bottom of my stomach and the bottom of my back. "Ryland tell us when you are having another" Rocky said I look at him "dude the last few pains have been so painful I don't think I could hide it even if I hate Ross's acting skills"

Riker rubbed my leg looking guilty and worried. I look at Rocky "why?" I ask him, Rydel grabs my hand "Ryland I think you are having contractions and I think so does Rocky" I look at her nervous. Fuck.

I look them "but...but...." Was all I could get out. I was only 30 weeks I couldn't be going into labor my baby needed more time, I look at Riker who was pale. I got another sharp pain "fuckkkk" I said that one was really bad "no no" I said I just wanted it to stop.

Riker rubbed my back, and grabbed his phone with his free hand. I wanted to slap him so hard, "is it done?" Rocky asked I shook my head and then nodded as it stopped, he pressed a button on his phone.

I heard Riker start talking "hi. Umm Ryland's having pains, my siblings think it might be contractions. I don't know my brother is timing them now he's only had one since he started recording.. He's having another" I wanted his full attention on me not on the phone. I squeezed his knee tightly, and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Tell her if she doesn't get her out now I will fucking knock her out" I screamed Rocky grabbed my hand "squeeze my hand if it gets too bad" he said that's supposed to be what Riker was doing not Rocky. The pain stopped after a bit. I breathed.

Riker passed the phone to me "hello?" I said "hi Ryland how bad are the pains?" She said "I can't do this. On a scale of one to ten about a 12." I replied. "Ok how long apart are the contractions?" I asked looking around to see Rocky's phone "2 and a half minutes apart and they last just over 4" I told her.

I hung up once she told me what to do, "she said to go to the hospital so she can have a look" I told them. Riker pulled me up to my feet which caused another contraction I grabbed his shoulder breathing, panting it through Riker was hugging me tight rubbing my back.

I stood up straight once it stopped "right lets get going before I have another" I say. They all help me to the car "do your waters break? Or does that not happen cause you are a male? I'm confused" Rocky asked, I shrug "I guess no"

I climb in the car. Every bump was like torture. Every contraction much worse than the one before. I feel warm between my legs, I guess waters do break for males too. I put my hand there for a moment and freeze when I take it away "Riker" I cry out "shhh it's ok, you are going to be fine" he says thinking I'm having another contraction.

I turn to look at him crying, tears streaming fast. "Riker no listen" I start but get another contraction I hold tight to the handrail thing on the door and I scream out in pain. I wanted it to stop I can't do this. I'm too weak for this.

It finally stops "Riker..I'm...I'm.." I say and wipe some of the tears off my face. "You're what?" Riker asked still focusing on the road "I'm bleeding" I start crying harder.

Riker grabbed his phone and handed it too me "ring the midwife and tell her ask her" he says to me. I call her "hello?" I hear her answer "hi it's Ryland Lynch" I tell her "oh hi Ryland are you on your way to hospital?" She asks, "Yeah we aren't far away but I just had a question too..." I stop as another contraction hit.

She talked me through it not that it helped but I found comfort in her reassuring me, Riker was shit at it "it's gone" I told her once it passed "right what was it you wanted to ask, honey?" She asked "hmmm I've just felt warmth between my legs but it wasn't water it was blood" I've said "blood?" She sounded worried.

I nod then remembered she couldn't see "Is it abnormal or whatever you medical people say" I ask

"Some people do bleed just it's normally only a little not a lot.. But it's the first time we've ever had this sort of condition so I may be that but I might be a little after you so I will get a colleague of mine to give you a scan to check little one, she might be distressed cause you don't have a birth canal and with your contractions it sounds like baby is more than ready to be moving into that area, baby should already be in that area so baby will be in distress so you may need an emergency section...just get to the hospital as fast as you can and then we will sort you out" she told me.

I'd hung up the phone after a bit through our phone call id had three contractions and I was beginning another.

We arrived at the hospital and all I could do was stare I was more than scared right now I held onto my bump. All the times I'd wanted her out but now I knew I needed her to stay in but I knew that was impossible, I just want her to be ok.

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