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"Jake," stop it I screamed!

In response he slapped me hard across the face. I grimaced at the pain that came with the force of the slap. I pulled my hand up to my face hoping it will help if I rubbed it softly but it only seemed to make it worse. He glared down at me but his gaze seemed to soften he caressed my left cheek, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. His grasp loosened and I tried to wriggle out but it only tightened; Jake looked at me again but with a real glare and if it could kill his would kill me right then and there.

"Jake please, let go and leave me alone," I begged as tears filled my eyes, when he started pulling me again. He dragged me towards the rail tracks and fear coursed through me. I've never been so scared in my life.

"Jake,” someone yelled from behind us!

We both turned to see Trent, Emily, and Alex.


"Let Susan go," Alex said with authority and a stern expression.

"What did you say to me,” He asked demandingly?

"I said let her go or there is going to be a problem."

Before I knew it Jake threw me from the tracks to the hard rock ground. My face skidded across the gravel and I could feel the blood trickle down my cheek, it started to sting real bad; I slowly lifted my head to see Alex and Jake in fist fight.  I watched in fear as Emily and Trent ran to my side.

"Jake stop this," I yelled standing up. He just swung again towards Alex but Alex smoothly dodged it and returned with a few punches of his own.

Emily was talking to me but I didn't hear a word she said I was too busy watching the fight. My heart was beating as fast as a race horse races. I felt helpless just watching them fight each other. I didn’t realize Trent was holding me until I tried to run to the fighting boys but; he wouldn’t let me go so I could at least try to help so that made it even worse. Tears ran down my face because I was afraid one of them were going to kill one or the other, and granted I hated Jack but I didn’t want him dead and to hell didn’t I want Alex dead. I’ve began to really love him and I couldn’t lose him.  I couldn’t handle the lose; it would be too much for me to handle.

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when a loud train’s whistle blew and just as it did it rounded the corner. I screamed out to the both of them and Jake took his chance while Alex was distracted by the train he threw him against the track and held him there. He struggled against his hold. Every second they lingered on the track the train seemed to be going even fast than before.

Jake swung out again and Alex took advantage and managed to stand again. He struggled even more to get away from Jake. Alex managed to twist out of his grasp but Jake once again snatched at his ankle and he feel face first in the gravel. I could just barely hear him groan over the train. I prayed that he would get up; I prayed with all my heart that he could manage to come out of this alive.

I took my eyes off of them just for a second to see the train speeding its way down the track. I started to panic to still see them both struggling on the track. My breathing slowed and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The horrid train was barley ten feet away and they were both still on the track. I didn’t know what to do, I felt as helpless as the train was so close. Just before the train where the boys were a scream escaped my lips. I didn’t know what to think; my mind wouldn’t let me, I closed my eyes and just prayed.

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