Newbie- Fresh Meat

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I groaned aloud as my dumb alarm clock starts to make that stupid buzzing noise. Why did they have to make stupid alarm clocks? I would kill the person who did, not literally. I slapped at the clock, but it would not shut up. I continued to slap at it but ended up knocking it on the floor and busted it. I groaned again and buried my head under my pillow.

"Susan, get up now," my mother yelled from down stairs.

I sat up and closed my eyes and toke in a deep breath; I really don't want to go to that hell whole they call school. Once I got up I looked at the time on my phone.

"Crap," I said aloud running to my closet.

 I tossed on a pair of sweats and a Black vale Brides t-shirt with a pair of converse. I pulled my hair up brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag and phone and ran down stairs. I quickly kissed my dad and mom grabbed a chocolate muffin and ran towards the door just as Em honked.

"Hmm, that was fast," Em said driving off.

"Well it was either that or be late or get my ass kicked by momma," I stated with a laugh.

"Yea you wouldn’t want that because your mom can be mean, let be rephrase that I love your mom but she can be a bitch," she said laughing.

"Ha, and yours can too."                             

"We both know that,” she said finally pulling in the schools parking lot.

 My half-good mood just flew out the window and my smile left my face. Once again I saw Jacob with another girl draped all over him. That’s enough I’m done. I put my same facile expression that I had on yesterday but softer.

"Hey, you ok," Em asked worry in her tone.

"Huh? Yea I'll be fine just don’t want to be here is all," I said looking at my hands.

"You'll be ok Sue, you have me and Trent and the rest of the football team to protect you," she said with a small smile but with seriousness clear on her face.

I just smiled and climbed out of the car.

"Hello ladies," Trent said walking up to us.

"Hey babe," Em said giving him a hug and kiss. "Hey Trent," I said with a small smile.

"You ok Sue," He asked.

 "Yea I'm fine."

     Shortly after the bell rang for us to head into the school and to homeroom. The three of us walked in and to our lockers; thank God they were right next to each other. I grabbed my needed books and we headed to first period. I immediately headed to the back of the room. Trent, Emily and I all have first together, advanced history. Yup we're total smarties. The bell rang and the class filed with its usual noise students. After announcements, Mr. Kent started his lecture. I listened intently and toke my notes, I kind of zoned out after a while so I didn't notice the guy walk in until he started talking.

"Umm… Well I'm Alex Winfield, and my family and I moved here from Arizona," He said rather shyly.

Hmm, who is he?

"Well that’s quite a move young man," Mr. Kent said," Susan raise your hand." I did as I was told and raised my hand. "Yes take a seat and let’s get back to our lesson."

He looked at me dead in the eyes for a moment then slowly made his way to sit next to me. I tried to focus on the rest of Mr. Kent’s lesson but 'Alex' passed me a note.

Hi, I'm Alex! :)

'Susan' I wrote, passing it back quickly I went back to taking notes.

'So, well I'm new of cores and was wondering if you could show me around??'

'Idk, depends on my mood and you schedule'

I decided to doodle in my notebook knowing with Alex distracting me I won’t be able to focus.

'Well I have advan. History, math, choir, advan. Science, pe (lunch) then language an finally free period'

'Umm well un until your pe class can I help ya, my friend Trent can tho'

Thank you bell, I said in my head as the bell rang.

"Well seems like we have most classes up until your Pe, Trent here will be able to help ya after that," I said standing grabbing my bag and heading towards the door.

"Alright, an hey thanks girls usually blow me off when I ask for help so thanks," he said kindly.

"No problem, I'm not a goody two shoes either," I stated.

"That's good," He said going quiet as we walked to math.

   Classes seemed to drag on after math but finally lunch was here and I was starving. I quickly got to the cafeteria to grab a good lunch and a good spot outside. I got the only table that wasn’t in the sun so I rock. Oh yea! I sat an enjoyed my pasta under the cool tree. Soon enough Em and Trent and a few of the football team joined me.

"Hey guys," I said kind of in a better mood. I got a round of hey’s and hi’s form the others.

"So what’s newbie like," Zach asked.

 "Eh, he’s just like y'all he likes sports, he is different though," I said.

"Speaking of fresh meat here he comes," Luca said.

"Mind if I join you," he asked.

"Not at all," Trent said.

He took a seat, and soon after Zach went at him like a wild dog. "So newbie were ya form," he asked

"Arizona, mom got a job down here and so she took it," Alex said.

"Cool, so what’s it there," Luca asked?

"Yea, Well Lots of deserts and its hot every day, no day is the same up there."

"Well I could live up in Arizona nice walk through the desert," Trent said laughing.

“What do you say to that Emily a nice pick nick under the hot Arizona sun in the middle of the desert,” Trent asked smirking.

"Give the kid a break," Em said smacking Trent as well," You can ask questions later when he tries out for the team."

The guys snickered at Trent while he rubbed his chest. He just sat there and glared at us.

After that it was quite conversation until the bell rang.

Em and I had dance next so we headed that way. Before we knew it school was over and thankfully we were headed home. Em and I had to study for history so she called to see if she could stay over and study.


So I was finally able to write the next chapter. Here’s Alex the newbie or in other words the fresh meat. What do ya think of him so far? Seem cool, or a dork.

Don’t forget to comment fan and vote and let me know if you guys want to find out what happens at Alex's football tryouts>:)  Edited version- nothing really changed but spelling.

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