Game #1

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Zach, Trent, Emily and I are doing' the usual on the night before the game. We all are sitting at a table at the far end of Ma an Pa's diner. Trent has his word search out, Zach has Sudoku, and Emily and I are just sitting back relaxing while the guys get into the game prep zone or whatever.

"Y'all ready for the game," Emily asked.

"Hell's yea," Zach said looking up from his book. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"First game of the new season, and Hollington ain't got nothing' on us, you've seen how they play," Trent said.

"We have this game in the bag," Zach said as our food was brought to the table.

I munched on my hamburger as I listened to Trent and Zach talk about the game. Eh I love football but when you’re around these two you tend to zone out.

"So, You an Alex," Zach said raising his brows. I could feel my cheeks get warm so I looked down at the table.

"What about him?"

"I see the way he looks at you he totally is smitten you," he said laughing.

"Ok yea whatever," I said rolling my eyes.

"You like the guy too."

"As if, I've known him of all three days."

"That don't mean nothin’."

"Just shut up Zach before I sock ya," I said balling my fist on the table.

"Ok, no need to get hostile," he said.

After we left the diner I went straight upstairs. I sat at my desk and finished up some homework and went straight to bed.

It's finally game time!  We’ve been stuck in the class rooms already hyped up and ready for the first football game of the season. Emily has Trent's jersey on and I've got the sign I made for Trent and Alex. (Emily really made me make it but shows my support besides begin there)

The referee motioned the captions to center and they did the coin toss. Trent called heads and it landed on tales. Hollington was to kick it off. Zach went onto the field to return the punt and the game soon went on its way. Zach receives the ball and wastes no time to race down the field, he’s at the thirty quickly at the twenty, then the ten. Yea buddy touchdown. It's freaking 30-3 and I'm feeling pretty bad for Hollington but hell we're winning'!

"Blue- forty two, Blue- forty two, fifty red," Trent yells.

I watch as Luca hicks him the ball, Alex is wide open and he makes the pass. I scream when Alex catches the ball and runs to the end zone. Another touchdown hold up the sign *clique* but I hold it up anyway and yell for Alex. Jake decides to look up here at that moment and starts to glare and if glares could kill I'd be on the ground. I looked else were and pushed him out of my mind. The crowd is going crazy and Em and I are right there with them. It's half time and I'm just as pumped about this game as the team is.

"Em we’re whopping their ass," I say with a smile.

"Would you expect it any other way," she asked smirking!

"Not at all."

Halftimes over and its fourth quarter. I watch as Trent throws a flea flicker to Zach and Zach takes off getting hammered at the thirty. We quickly huddle and then break, they get information again possibly to make the finally touchdown. Trent fakes it to Zach and passes it to Jake and Jake runs up the middle running into the end zone. Touchdown! Our kicker runs onto the field and makes the extra field goal point making the final score 42-3.

After the game Em and I talked about how great Alex did.

"Sue, Alex did great don't ya think," she asked as we waited by Trent's pick up.  

I nodded and looked at the sky brightly light up by stars.

"Yea he played a great game and so did Trent," I stated looking at Em smiling.

"I wonder if he's going to throw his usual party out in the old pastier," Em said wondering aloud changing the topic.

"I don't know, but I hope so because I sure ain't going home tonight," I said laughing.

Trent, Alex, and Zach soon walked up to the truck.

"Party tonight in the old pastier," Luca asked walking up behind them.

"What do ya think," Trent said smirking.

I rolled my eyes of cores. "There’s your answer," I whispered to Em. She just shook her head and chuckled.

"Well come on then if we're going half the teams going to be there by the time we get there," I hollered climbing in the truck.  

I listened to 'Drunk on You' pour out of Trent's truck speakers as I sat in his truck bed.

I sat alone as everyone else was around talking, dancing, or just sitting around the fire having a good time. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply when someone nudged me making the tailgate lower. I opened my eyes to see Alex sitting’ there with wandering’ eyes.

"Why are you sitting' all alone over here," he asked.

I shook my head," I don't know." I laid back and pulled a pillow under my head that we pulled out earlier. I looked up to the night sky and just watched the stars.

Alex lay down beside me. "What's the story of you and Jake," Alex asked looking’ at me now.

I didn't say nothing’ at first just sat there. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes again. "Well, Jake and I were a thing way before you came along; I thought I actually loved the tool."

"You found out you didn't so you broke it off?"

"No, a lot more than that Em always said that he treated me like the dirt he walks on, I never saw it I was blinded with the thought of love so I let it happen," I paused and took another deep breath. "So not long ago he decided to break things off and it hurt a lot, and just a day before you showed up he confronted me in the girl’s bathroom and he would have hurt me if it wasn't for Trent."

I looked over at his face and it looked of pure hate. Whoa! 'I never want to see that face again'

"He's a bastered and you need to stay away from him," he said.

"Huh, you’re telling me."

"Come on let's dance," he said sitting up holding out his hand.

I sat up and just looked at his hand, but then took it. He drug me over by the fire as the song 'Wanted' by Hunter Hayes, comes through the big old speakers. Alex placed his hands around my waist and I placed my hands around his head. We just looked in each other’s eyes for the longest as we swayed to the music when he starts to lean in.

My heart starts to race and butterflies invade my stomach, I've never felt this way even for Jake. Ugh, why thinks of that douche. I found myself leaning in too. When his lips met mine it felt as if and electric current went through me. The kiss was slow and sweet but I wanted more I deepened the kiss as his tongue ran across my bottom asking for entrance and I gladly give it. "This is to fast I’ll though suddenly. I pull back away from him.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you," he said looking at the ground scuffing the dirt with his boot.

"No, it’s ok it's just too fast for me, especially since we've only known each other for three days," I said grabbing his hand.

"Four really," he said looking at me smiling.

"Huh," I said confused.

"It's Saturday," he stated taking out his phone and showing me. I just laughed.


Ok last edit another new chapter is on the way.

Ooo Jake is a little Jealous is he now>:)

And how about that kiss :)<3<3

Dedicated this chapter to IsaSecret Let me know what y’all think because she created my amazing book cover!!:)

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