Why at School?

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 After Saturday I was just down in the dumps I did not answer any of my calls or texts. I was just out of it. I know I told Emily I would move on but it’s hard when someone loves the other. I lay on my bed wishing I could just forget Jacob. I know kind of over reacting but you'd understand my situation if you had to go to school with him have most of my classes with him and he’s just there with other girls at his side every single day. I sighed and sat up slung my legs over the side of my bed and walked to the bathroom.

I looked myself in the mirror. My face was swollen from crying. I shook my head and stripped my clothes and climbed in the shower. I let the hot water wash away all my worries. I let my mind wonder to other things than that douche Jacob. After my relaxing shower I climbed out dried off and pulled on my sweats and a tank, I slowly walked back into the bath room to blow dry and straighten my hair before I hop in bed. I looked in the mirror again and sighed one last time before heading to bed.

 Tuesday morning’ rolled around and it’s the second worst day since the day Jacob Walker broke my heart (just four days ago to be exact) and not telling me the truth on why he did it. I have heard it all when they have asked me,

"What happened?"

 "Why aren't y'all together?"

“I heard he cheated!?”

“I heard he had girls on the side!?”

 BLAH BLAH BLAH! Its 7:45 and I'm walking down the hall of Vidal Performing Arts High School.

"Hey Sue," Emily yelled as she walked up to her locker.

 I slowly opened my blue locker as she tossed her dance bag in hers and slammed it shut.

"You ok girl,” she asked.

 "Uh...Yea I'm fine,” I said as I turned and lend against my locker.

 "You sure?"

"Yea...I'm positive."

"Come on lets go before we're late for class," Emily said.

 We started down the hall brightly painted halls when I saw him up against his locker. He smirked at me when Amber draped herself all over him. I know this shouldn’t bother me I said I was going to try and move but this is harder than I thought. My heart fell a thousand miles beneath the ground my eyes filled with tears, and I lowered my head to hide my tears. Ugh, I huffed and stomped my foot, enough with begin little pathetic ex-girlfriend. I took a deep breath and looked up. I hardened my eyes and hoped they looked fierce. I held my head high and looked directly at him and smirked but keeping my eyes fierce, as we walked by. When we walked around the corner I dropped my shoulders and relaxed my face.

"Hey, Em I'm going to the restroom I'll be right back," I said a little horse.

"Ok but hurry back,” She said worry in her voice.

I rushed into the restroom and to the sink turned it on and plashed my face with cold water. Laying my hands on the edge of the sink and looked in the mirror

“I’m a mess,” I said shaking my head and looking down.

“What’s your problem,” Jake said scaring me jerking me around pushing me up against the back wall. I was speechless.

“Wha...what do you mean?”

“You know what,” he snapped glaring at me.

“I...I don’t..,” I was interrupted before I could finish talking.

“Shut up, you ungrateful piece of trash!”

He makes me so mad. I literally just smacked him in the face. I feel to the floor because his grip on me was the only thing making me stand. I looked up to see a bright red hand print on the side of his right cheek. He was filled with rage because he raised his fist ready to swing; I closed my eyes bracing myself for the pain but it never came. I opened my eyes to find Trent hovering over him fists rose.

“No Trent,” I whispered. He looked up and studied my facial expression. He climbed off him and he ran out of the restroom. Trent came to help me up and pulled me in a hug and I started to cry.

“You ok,” he asked worriedly?

“Yea...I think so.”

“Come on,” he said pulling me out of the restroom.

****** Lunch ******

"Come on you need to eat," Em begged. "I’m not hunger,” I stated.

 "You've got to eat something,” Trent said.

 "Just leave me alone,” I said.

 "Sue you’re my best friend please what’s got you so down," Em questioned.

 "Nothing just drop it," I yelled as I dropped my head on the lunch table.

Emily sighed reached over and rubbed my back.

(Just so y’all know this is Emily’s p.o.v)

Its seventh period and I plan to confront that bastered who broke Sue's heart and who raised a fist to her. I only found out because Trent told me after lunch I’ll just have to ask Sue about it later. The teacher gave us a reading assignment so we are all just sitting here waiting for the bell to ring. I just started my fifteenth chapter of Hearing the Winds (not a real book) when the bell rang I ran out the door to the boy’s locker room. I watched as the whole football team walked through the door I hide behind the lockers as Trent walked through the doors. Finally, Jacob walked up to the doors

. "Jacob we need to talk," I said using my authoritative voices.


Ok another edited chapter let me know what y’all think. If I mistake on anything point it out :) Hope y’all like it!!

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