Chapter Seven The Task Ahead

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Aura Form, huh? Soren repeated from his place on the porch's banister.

The Auralin sitting below him on the steps nodded.
"Yep, well that's what Death's dubbed it anyway"

Hm, that's the 'form' you took on when you went apeshit with Samael. Twice.

"Exactly and according to Death the only reason I have it is because I'm partly Nephilim. But I couldn't use it in training since neither of us have a clue what triggers it"

Soren fell silent as he thought about this for a moment.
Then Kayden would have been able to do it too right?...I wish we could ask him...

"Hey, give it a few decades and we can. He's in the Well of Souls now so yeah" Carina paused to put on a deep voice "He'll be back"

This earned her laughter in the form of chirping.
Earth references, you haven't used one of those in a while.

"What's that?"

What? References?

"No, that" Carina answered, pointing out to something approaching them.

As the floating creature got closer, the Auralin's arm fell down to slump by her side.
A feeling of irritation was already building as it was an immediate response adopted mainly from War.
Carina and Soren exchanged glances as their visitor was none other than a Watcher; one of the Council's many messengers.
It stopped before the two, its small wings coming to rest as it hovered in place. Flowing, torn and tattered robes sailed down from its navy, partly armoured midsection. Six glowing eyes watched the Auralin get to her feet.

"Death and Strife aren't here, War's upstairs resting and Fury; I haven't a clue where. Whatever message you need delivered I'll pass it on" Carina offered in an attempt to make the creature's visit short.

But the Watcher was having none of it.
"Actually Horseman, it's you the Council sends for"

"Come again?"

"Horseman. Is that not the proper title to give you now? Or would you prefer hybrid?"

Carina mentally rolled her eyes at this. She'd never met one-on-one with a Watcher, but was instantly understanding the problems with them.
Before she could respond, the messenger continued.

"The Council know you became an official addition to the Brotherhood a number of days ago and they now demand your presence"

The sudden dread that ravaged through her did so for a number of reasons.
She hadn't seen or even heard from the Council since her first meeting with them which had been more than unnerving.
This time she'd have to go alone and who knew what they wanted her for.
Carina heavily considered awaking War, but reluctantly refrained from doing so. It would probably cause some amount of trouble- another 'missing' Watcher perhaps- and something about this one messenger told Carina he wasn't going to wait around. In fact he seemed like he'd drag her to the Council if he had to.

Sighing lightly, she spoke.
"Alright then. I better not keep them waiting then should I?"

"That would be wise" the Watcher answered "I'll escort you to their realm since I highly doubt you have the power to open portals yet" he snickered.

No sooner had Soren hopped onto Carina's shoulder, she scooped him up again and returned him to the banister again. He tilted his feathered head in confusion.

"I think it's better if you stay here, okay? Just in case I'm gone for long and the others are wondering where I am" Carina answered, receiving a slow nod in response.

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