Chapter Thirteen Rain and Tears

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A number of things occurred after Absalom had fled the battlefield.
Almost all remaining forces of Hell retreated at once, as if the order had been given before the onslaught had even begun.
Either way, it was a victory for the Hellguard despite the casualties.
Death himself had been one of these casualties, having been wounded by Absalom's initial attack. He'd slipped out of consciousness and thus became oblivious to the events thereafter.
Nicorus had been the last to arrive, but didn't stay. He wished to find some Angels he'd known would have been in the battle and so had left after Fury agreed to come find him at a later time.
After cutting Death free and a brief meeting with Uriel of the Hellguard, the Horsemen had returned to the Homestead.

Now with Soren roosted on her good shoulder, Carina was pacing the floor near the closed door of the eldest's room; her footsteps echoing quietly through the hallway that currently only she and the bird occupied. The rain falling outside was the only sound that rivalled her.
Although Fury had told her not to worry, the Auralin couldn't help herself. Not even after the story Strife had shared with her.
According to the helmeted Horseman, when War was younger and more arrogant, he'd impaled Death with his sword during a struggle between the siblings. Not that the hooded rider had gotten away with it. But apparently that was a story for another day and so Strife had left it at that.

He'll be ok Soren announced after several silent and failed attempts of saying it with optimism.
I mean this is Death we're talking about.

Carina simply nodded, but continued to pace back and forth without pause.
Although no one openly admitted it, the fact it was Absalom that had done the deed was what really heightened concerns. He'd clearly been reverted to his original state, but still had some element of power involving corruption. But many questions still stood. How had the first Nephilim returned? And just how closely aligned was he with Samael and Hell's legion?
Whatever the answers decided to make themselves, they weren't going to be found in the present moment of time.

Carina and Soren instantly glanced to the right as Death's door clicked then creaked as Fury pulled it open. Seeing the two, she put a finger to her lips and stood aside to let them in. Although the bedroom wasn't much different from the others, it just seemed, darker.
Other than that though, the only other, easier noticed differences were things like the fact Death's scythes and heavier armour hung from the wall.

Perched on the bed's headboard was Dust who occasionally glanced down at the Horseman.
Seeing the crow, Soren left Carina's shoulder to sit with him.
Death himself was lying on the bed, head and shoulders propped up slightly with extra pillows. Coiled around his pale midsection were bandages which were white at the sides but darkly stained in the middle. Although the rider had since ceased bleeding, his wound was taking longer to heal than expected.
It was honestly strange seeing Death in such a state, especially to the Auralin as it was a first for her.
Glancing at Fury, she asked a whispered question.

"Has he woken up since, or?"

"He did" Fury nodded "He managed to tell me Absalom returning had to do with the Well of Souls, but that's it. I wouldn't let him speak anymore and told him to rest. So, he slipped into sleep"

As she'd spoken, the two had stepped outside the room, Soren deciding to stay with Dust.
Noticing the Auralin's lack of a response, Fury placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He'll be alright. He's gone through worse"

"I heard, Strife told me the story" Carina answered, her tone slightly more upbeat now.

"Only one?" Fury responded with a light chuckle.
"Speaking of Strife, where is he? I know War's gone to the Council, but?"

"He's outside I think. Want me to get him?"

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