Chapter Sixteen Through Hell and Back

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We know who you are.

That was true.

We have her.

That was not.

They lied, played on his heart of fears in order to get what, who they wanted. And he'd allowed it to happen.
Nicorus felt sickened by himself, those select few memories like bile as they ran riot through his mind.

Why had he allowed himself to become cornered?


With his back against the broken wall, Nicorus gazed at the glaring eye lodged between the triple barrels of the abomination.

"We can do this the easy way, or the way that involves me blasting one wing off at a time" Draegan threatened.
"Your choice, 'Nicky'."

The named Angel didn't move. He couldn't. Even more dread had flooded his system at the mention of that name.

"...H-how do you?" he stuttered, unable to finish his sentence.

"As I said before," the Undead Wanderer answered as he came forward.
"I know more than you think"

Only blackness followed after a well aimed strike to the side of Nicorus' head.


The bruise left behind. It was still there, hidden by the Angel's hair.
Now it throbbed, as if thinking about it caused the forgotten pain to return.
But still, it was nothing compared to the rest.

Looking back, the Angel wished he'd never awoken afterwards. Had he remained out of consciousness, none of the previous events would have come to pass.
But of course, that wasn't how things turned out to be.

Why had he believed them?


Rattling chains. That's what he heard.
They had her. They really had Ani.

"See? Now, all you have to do is that one little favour. Shouldn't be too hard. Something's wrong if Carina doesn't trust you at this point" Draegan told the Angel before letting out a scoff.
"Trust. It's such a typical Auralin trait"


Carina had trusted him a great, and quickly growing deal. But, look what he did with it. Threw it like a blade to her back.

This thought practically made Nicorus gag. How could he have done this to her? He should've known the rogues' play, but then again, part of him had. However, he'd foolishly turned a blind eye.
Ani was dead. He should have expected as much. And now, how long was Carina going to last before Draegan or someone else killed her?
Would she even have the will to fight back if it came to that?
Nicorus had seen it. When the Auralin trained with War, he'd seen through her facade.
Whatever happened, she'd been dragged through Hell and back, and now the Angel had simply added to her pain.

Betrayal. It's such a sin.

No...Draegan and the Undead Wanderer had forced this to happen. Nicorus had made his grave mistake, but they were still the cause.
Another thought quickly followed this one, making the Angel push himself to his feet despite the pain.
Carina still had a chance. She had the Four. He just had to find them.

That was all he needed. Standing up as straight as his current state would allow, Nicorus made his way out of the Twilight Cathedral.
Though it took quite some effort (and luck considering he staggered a few times) he managed to cross one of the makeshift bridges of concrete and crystal.

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