Chapter Nine A Rogue's Work Is Willingly Done

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The Abomination Vault.
The name alone had captured Carina's attention, but the fact that apparently one of the Four already knew about it heightened both interest and concern.
However, that would have to wait.

"Is that them?" Nicorus asked in a whisper, only to receive a nod at first.

The two were pressed tight to the cracked wall of a building, peering around it carefully at times.

"Yeah...and I need to catch them. They're after weapons and obviously have some connection with Hell. That's good enough for me" Carina told the Angel in a backward glance.
"Just know things could get messy"

As the Auralin stepped away from their cover, energy began channeling itself into her clenched fists and she played the memories of Death's lessons through her mind. Focusing on the area around her targets, Carina exhaled and slammed her fist into the concrete. She could feel the charge leave her body and mentally followed it; willing it to take the form she desired.
It would have worked if they hadn't moved, but nothing was ever that simple.

"You'll have to do much, much better than that"

As soon as the words left the man's mouth, he fired the charge he'd formed. Inside the rapidly approaching mass of red, small but razor sharp crystals had created themselves.
As Carina dove to the side, Nicorus flew upward; reaching for the hilts of his daggers. With both unsheathed, he landed opposite the boy in brown and a mask.
Carina on the other hand had already formed twin blades and now took in as much detail of the man across from her as possible. What caught her attention was his own Auralin insignia. Blood red like his aura and purposely cracked, Draegan was nothing but a rogue. Anything Carina had heard about them briefly came back.
Rogue Auralin were the ones that had turned on their race and sided with its greatest enemy and threat; Hell. How they assisted the Demons however was well beyond her.

A strange sort of silence had set in; one laced with building tension that hung heavy on some, while others were holding the threads.
Draegan and the Undead Wanderer's eyes briefly met, the Auralin giving a subtle nod of his head. Taking less than a second to return it, the boy instantly launched himself at Nicorus, shadows appearing in his gloved hands. As they cleared, a dark scythe sat clutched in his grasp. Crossing his blades, Nicorus blocked the first swing and ducked to avoid a second before beginning his own string of attacks.

In order to keep the girl's attention on him, Draegan shot another charge before forming a crystalline longsword. Dodging the blast, Carina sprinted headlong for him. As both their blades collided, they locked against each other. It was then that Draegan decided to take the opportunity to speak.

"So, I'm not the only Auralin still kicking. Funny" a chuckle. "I thought the Demons would have killed you all off by this stage" he sneered, feeling the full extent of the girl's efforts to overpower him.

However, he wasn't a fool. This one's strength was becoming something to be reckoned with, which only interested him all the more.

"Not all of us you backstabbing bastard!" Carina snarled, her blue eyes ablaze with building anger.

By now Draegan's twisted mind was racing.
This girl.
Her strength.
Her ability.
Even an aspect as simple as her demeanour reminded him of something.
Something that provided the rogue with such distaste that he practically gagged at the thought.

Suddenly thrusting his sword upward, Draegan knocked Carina's hands up. She stumbled back, but kept her balance; instantly forming another weapon. With Death's scythe now in hand, the young Auralin lashed out with a roundhouse swing; hitting Draegan's chest.
Staggering back and looking down, the rogue found a long, burning scorch mark running across his armour.
With that, it hit him.
Looking up again, Draegan's eyes met Carina's and stayed there. As the two began to circle, the rogue spoke again.

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