Chapter Twelve Battle Cry

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(A/N: If you can, listen to Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons. I can't get it to work so yeah. Ok bye~)

Nicorus had simply stayed in Carina's room while she was gone; too nervous to go downstairs again.
Fury had kept the Angel company for a while, but now Soren sat perched on the windowsill beside him. The bird was trying to see if telepathy worked for him, but so far Nico heard nothing; much to his disappointment.

I guess it just isn't for everyone. Soren said aloud.

"Yeah, guess not. It would be a cool ability to have though." Nicorus admitted as he came forward to lean on the windowsill.

His deep blue eyes subconsciously scanned the area surrounding the Horsemen's home, still somewhat marvelled by it. However, his gaze suddenly fell on something rapidly traversing the plain. As the figures got closer he realised who they were.
Carina and Death.
However, whatever it was about their speed, he could tell something was wrong.

"I think something's happened..." Nicorus stated as he stood up straight and headed for the door.

Soren didn't make a reply, but still made himself airborne and followed the Angel. The sound of voices greeted them as they arrived downstairs.
Through the open front door, they could see Death was still mounted on Despair's back, an anxious look in his eyes.
Nicorus suddenly stumbled back a few steps as War came out of a room and bolted outside to the stables. Carina came out of the same room a moment later.

"Hey what's going on?" the Angel asked, worried even more now that he'd seen the Auralin's expression also.

"The shit has hit the fan. Hell's launched its biggest attack in a decade. The Council's ordered for all of us to go to Earth." Carina answered as they too headed outside.

"...Do you think they found-"

"The weapons? Possibly. All the more reason we need to book it."

"Me too?"

"The more the merrier, kiddo." Strife cut in, now on Contention's back. "Let's go kick some ass."

Nodding once, Nicorus left the ground while Carina mounted Hope.
With everyone accounted for, Death took charge as always and  opened a portal to the Third Kingdom.


The swirling mass of darkened blue launched all within it right into the fray. All around them Angels and Demons were locked in battle, most not noticing the additional contenders; not until limbs were severed or their entire forms were hurled across the battlefield.
Each horse thundered through the streets in glowing wisps, their riders wielding weapons of all sorts leaving trails of demonic blood and corpses in their wake.

Once in the city air, Nicorus had unsheathed his daggers and now flew by Carina's side. Soren was clinging tightly to her good shoulder, the other since bandaged up by Fury. 
Some Demons that saw them attempted to attack while others turned tail and fled, only to be shot down by Redemption cannons or slaughtered by another Horseman.

When Death pulled on Despair's reins to stop him, the others followed suit. Hovering before them all was the Hellguard's leader Uriel. Blood of hell-spawn sparked her armour and glowing wings which hugged her back as she touched down.

"Horsemen." she greeted in a formal tone.

Death did the same, but with the addition of a subtle nod.
"We received word from the Council. What is the current situation?"

"The Demons have distributed themselves throughout the city. It's the largest attack they've thrown at us in years. Our best option would be to divide and conquer."

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