Chapter 2

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"The text from our group chat said that we were supposed to meet in Topanga's at 7. Where the heck is everyone?" I sighed

"What time is it?" I asked Farkle

"7.30 on the dot," he replied

"Great. So, do you have any idea why these people are so late? I hate when people are late."

"I am as clueless as you are."

"Of course you are. Sorry for asking."

"That's fine. How about we talk about something else?"

"Sure about what"

"Well, I've known you for 6 months, and I still don't know much about you."

"Really? I've noticed a few things about you."

"Oh yeah, like what"

"Hmm, let's see. You love science, you care about your friends very much, you fall unconscious when something out of your comfort zone happens and the best one, you have been in love with Riley and probably Maya since the 1st grade."

He laughed "Well, that is all true."
"But it's purely platonic now."

"So tell me about yourself."

"Okay. I love music very much too the point that I wouldn't be able to like life without it, i am really into art which u have already seen, I am a pretty good student, um I like reading mostly fantasy, i am very into movies, sitcoms, and series and also some other things which I find intriguing" I said and laughed awkwardly

"What intriguing things?"

"Never mind that. You would probably find that cringe or basic"

"No, I won't"

"Um okay. I love space and the moon and the sky and the ocean. I don't have as much knowledge about it as you, of course, but I find something euphoric about them."

"Wow, that is not cringe at all."

" oh thanks, I guess"

"Hello people! What a pretty day it is" exclaimed Riley

"Why are you guys so late?" Farkle reminded

"It's a long story" Lucas explained

"Yeah, but it's a heck of a story." Sighed Zay

"So what were you guys talking about" Maya asked

"Nothing," Farkle said while leaning a bit towards me.

"Okay if you say so Minkus" Maya giggled"

"What?!" I said

"Nothing" she giggled again taunting Farkle

"Whatever. I am getting a cheesecake. Does anyone want anything" Farkle said trying to shift the conversation

Everyone said no and I asked for a Peach iced tea

"Sure," said Farkle as he left to get those things

"Well, Mom asked me to run some errands, so I am gonna go now. Bye everyone" Riley said

"I and Zay also have to call family in Texas since it's my Pappy Joe's birthday,"
Lucas explained

"Bye, you guys!" Me and Maya exclaimed

"So Gia, you like anyone?" Maya asked

"You know I don't know" I replied lying

"Oh really" Maya looked at me suspiciously


"So what do you think about Farkle?"

"What?!" I exclaimed almost choking on the water I was drinking

"Yeah you know he is a sweet guy."

I couldn't find an answer when Farkle came back with the order.

"Thank god" I muttered

"So where is everyone?" Farkle asked

"They had some errands to run" Maya replied

"Anyways, so Farkle, beside me and Riley, what's your type?"

"Maya, what are you doing?" I asked in a low voice

"Nothing" she replied in a lower voice

"I don't know I guess I don't really care about looks. I like quirkiness and someone who can handle mine. Also, not someone who is constantly attracted to other people. I have had enough of that."

"Well that's great," Maya said

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