Chapter 6

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It was 11.30, and I purposely told everyone I knew to leave me alone, of course, in a polite manner. I wanted to be alone.

After I was done with telling them politely, I even gave them a warning. I did that to everyone except Farkle.

11.59 pm

I get a text from Farkle

Farkle: hey come downstairs and open the door. Don't worry, Riley told me that you wanted to be alone. Just come downstairs.

I rush downstairs, hoping no one is awake to wish me, but luckily, I had made it very clear I wanted nothing at 12.

I opened the door silently to see two giant bouquets near me and a note

The first bouquet was full of strawberries. It had fresh strawberries, red flowers, and lush greens. The arrangement is a vibrant mix of colors and textures. Its sweet, fruity aroma is both refreshing and delightful.

A bouquet of black roses has dark, pretty flowers. They look elegant and mysterious. They smell sweet and nice. They look like the Pinterest flowers that I'm obsessed with.

I took all of that in my hands, trying to manage so that they didn't fall. I put them aside, closed the door back quietly, and quickly took the things up in my room and locked the door.

I open the note which reads:
Dear Gia
I knew you liked the color black and you told us you loved strawberries. I am sorry these are not much of a gift, but others are coming your way. I love the Lavender mist you are always wearing, and that's a clue. I hope this made you feel a bit special but you are more. Happy Birthday, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Your's Farkle

Ps: hide the note before your parents see this and tell them that Riley and Maya gave you this.

I'm pretty sure I blushed so hard that my forehead turned red.

He is so sweet, and now I don't think I am being delusional. Maybe he does like me.

Or maybe I am overthinking this and he does this for all of his friends.

Either way, this is so sweet.

While thinking all this Farkle texts me

Farkle: you like my surprise?

Jiya: I loved it! I even found the note. Thanks for the advice btw.

Farkle: I am glad. See you tmr. Byee

Jiya: byee

I take a picture of the bouquets and put the flowers in a water bottle for now and the strawberries in the fridge. I hide the note under the mattress and try to go to sleep

I wake up at around 5.30 in the morning.
It's probably the cause of all the sleep I had yesterday evening to prepare myself because I knew I was not going to sleep at night. I tossed and turned till I think around 2, thinking about Farkle and my birthday.

I got in the shower and wore a black dress ending at my knees. It had a sweetheart neckline with subtly puffed sleeves. The dress ended with mesh showing a bit, and it had no embroidery.

I wore a silver crescent moon necklace and a pair of silver earrings with pretty leaves on them.

I apply a bit of peach blush on my cheeks and pink gloss on my inner lips and blend it out. I highlight my cheekbones lightly, apply brown eyeshadow in the place of an eyeliner, and apply a bit of highlight in the middle.

I think this is enough for a clean girl look.

I want to go a bit more bolder at night.

I walk downstairs.

"Oh look, there she is, our birthday girl." Mom chuckles

"Happy Birthday sweetie," dad says

"Happy birthday Gia!!" My little brother says

"Thanks, Mom, thanks, Dad, and thank you, Ryker. " I say

"You will get your gift after you get home from school. Oh, and I saw the bouquets. Where did you get those from" Mom asks

"Well, Maya and Riley gave them to me. "I lie with a straight face

"Wow, those are good friends you have. " Ryker says

"Yeah," I say awkwardly, "Bye now, I'll be late for school. "

"Bye!" everyone shouts as I leave

I walk in the door and walk up to my locker, which is decorated with a sign that says Happy Birthday Gia in pastel colors and balloons.

"Suprise, Happy Birthday Gia!" my friends yell

"Thank you guys," I say excitedly

"We will give you gifts at night when we will be celebrating at Topanga's," Riley says

Farkle comes close to me and takes out something from his locker. As everyone leaves.

"Here is your pre-gift. " he whispers

It's a lavender bouquet that features delicate, fragrant blooms in soft purple hues. The arrangement is calming and serene, evoking a sense of peacefulness. Its sweet, floral scent is soothing and relaxing.

I am too stunned to speak until I come to my senses and finally do

"You already gave me the main gift," I whisper back

"No those were also pre-gifts. " he says

" You are telling me that the giant bouquet of almost a 100 flowers and strawberries each was a pre-gift, and now this big bouquet of lavender is also a pre-gift? "

"Yeah obviously." He says

"Farkle, I don't need these many gifts. I don't need one from you at all."

"Well, deal with it. Because I found out I love giving YOU gifts"

I kiss him on the cheek as a thank you thinking he would faint. But he doesn't. I look at him worried because this is not normal for him

"Don't worry, the doctor gave me some proper medication and treatment for a while and it helped me boost my confidence. I don't faint anymore. Or at least that is what I think."

"Good for you Farkle! " I say

"Oh, and by the way, did I tell you?" He says


"You look very pretty."

Author's note: Next part may take a while as i have an exam coming up

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