Chapter 3

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2 months later

While Maya had been trying to manifest me and Farkle, my feelings for him were growing.

I was walking home from the pharmacy, thinking about my complicated shit feelings, when Lucas walked up to me.

Me and I lived only 1 block away from each other, so we would bump into each other often.

I didn't go to school today due to terrible cramps

"Hey, Gia," Lucas said trying to catch my attention

"Oh hey, Lucas, what's up.?"

" Nothing much, but Mr. Matthews said that you have to pick up notes from Farkle's house, or he can drop them off after you are feeling better."

"Oh, alright, thanks for telling me."

"It's alright, but just talk to him once."

"Okay will do, bye!"

"Bye!" Lucas exclaimed

I reach home, lay on my bed, and pull out Farkle's number on my phone and text him.

Me: Hey!

Farkle: hi! What happened why didn't you come today?

Me: I wasn't feeling well in the morning

Farkle: oh well, are you feeling alright right now?

Me: yeah thanks for asking. Btw Lucas told me that you had notes for me

Farkle: ya, should I come to your house to drop them off?

Me: oh no you don't have to do that. You already made notes for me. I'll come to pick them up at about 5

Farkle: oh umm ok see you then

4.52 pm

I was scrolling on my phone when I realized the time.

"Shit, I have to leave!" I muttered under my breath

I ran out of my house after informing my mother.

I finally reached Farkle's house.
I knew where he lived and that he was rich but this view made my brain pause for a bit.

I walked into the house because of the automatic opening doors ( wow) searching for something when a tall lady greeted me.

"You must be Gia. I am Farkle's mother. It's so nice to meet you. Farkle has told me lots of nice things about you." she greeted me

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs Minkus."

"Just sit in that train and it will lead you to Farkle's room"

"What train?!"

"That one sweetie, the one on the left"

I turned to see a small black and red train with 3 to 4 compartments.
That is a shit ton of money.

"Oh thanks, Mrs Minkus."

"You can call me Jennifer."

"Oh okay."

I walk towards the train and sit down in the second compartment.

I look around the house while the driver takes me to Farkle's room.

I enter the room. It is cluttered in the best way possible. It's filled with all sorts of gadgets and some colorful, quirky posters.

Farkle is lying on his bed trying to solve a Rubik's cube

"Oh hey," he says realizing my presence


"Here are your notes." He says while pulling them out of a blue bag

" Thanks for making these."

"It's my pleasure."

I look up at the ceiling realizing something

"Holy crap, dude, is that Mars?"

"Oh yeah, my ceiling is a planetarium."

"That is so cool."

"Thanks," he says clearly a bit embarrassed

"I know you love space and planets like you told me before, so I put up a little show."

"You remember that?!" I say trying hard not to turn my cheeks red.

"Of course I do. You wanna see the show?"

"Yes, but first, let me inform my parents that I'll be home late."

I text my mom and sit on the right end of the king-sized mattress.

Farkle comes forward and sits beside me. He has the remote in his hand and starts the show.

It is a meteor shower. It seems like a spectacular celestial. It seems like the starlight is tearing into the gorgeous sky and finding its way across the universe.
I find every moment of it magical.

Even though it is fake it seems too real for me not to get impressed.

The meteors seem to be leaving glowing streaks behind them.

The show finally stops leaving me starstruck.

"Did you like it?" He asks

"It was I don't know. It was glorious."

"I am glad you liked it."

"I loved it. Was that an actual shower or just realistic animation?"

"It was a simulation of the Orionids. Every year from October 2 to November 7, with a peak around the 21st and 22nd, the sky comes alive with up to 20 shooting stars per hour and they all seem to radiate from Orion's majestic sword. They pass the Earth through debris left by Halley's comet." He explained

"Wait, Halley's comet is the one that appears every 75 years, right?"

"Yeah that's the one"

"Well, thank you for the simulation thank you for the show, and thank you again for the notes."

"It's no big deal."

"Oh, it's already 6.30. I better get going" I say while looking at my phone

"Why don't you stay for dinner? Mom said that the chef made tacos today." He says

"Thanks for offering but I am Vegeta-"

"Vegetarian. Yeah, I know. Riley told me. I'll inform my chef" he says while cutting me off

"Are you sure," I say trying not to sound too obvious that I want to eat dinner with him

"Yeah. Dad is on a business trip, and Mom is going with her friend to eat. I would rather be with the company than alone"

"Oh alright. Let me just inform my parents"

I called my mother and started speaking in my native language. I leave out the fact that only me and Farkle will be present at the dinner. Besides, It's not lying I am just telling her the truth.

I told her that I'll be home by 8.30 to 9.

Farkle and talk until about 7.30 when dinner comes to his room.

"You eat in your room?" I ask

"Yeah, mostly no one is around, but my parents do take time out for me. That is when I sit with them." He replies

"Yeah, I eat in the room too."

"Why?" He asks

"Well, growing up, people always fought in my family, and my mother made me sit inside most of the time so I couldn't hear anything. But I did. Eventually, over time, it just became a habit." I replied

"Oh," he says while putting his hands on my shoulder

"It's fine, really," I say to stop trying to make him feel sorry for me.

We eat dinner and talk again. He was sweet and nice. He was not weird at all like people said. I'd call that quirky. I didn't understand why people would think that.

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