Chapter Eleven - The Eleventh Hour

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We sat there for a while on his jacket, just looking out at the water. Then we decided to go for a walk. Explore.

We walked down the hill onto a deserted, stony road.

"Not much to see here." I yawned

"Ohhh no, there's way more to Ireland than just this."

He grabbed my hand and started running have dragging me with him. We skidded round a corner. There was a little village buzzing with people. There were market stalls and shops and so many lights. It wasn't until I saw the lights that I realised it was night time.

"This" he said "is Irish".

We spent the whole night running around, looking in shop windows and watching the dances. It was almost magical. To be honest, I expected leprechauns and shamrocks everywhere. We came to a shop window and looked in. There were a lot of books so naturally, I wanted to go in.

"Please Doctor, just two minutes"

"Just two minutes, that's all."

I grinned and went into the shop. There were dream catchers of every colour hanging over our heads. I stared in awe. "They're beautiful" and Oh, the books, so many! I ran my fingers over their spines until I seen an interesting one, 'Time and Space.'

I looked around and the Doctor was looking at another section of books. I bought the book with some euros the Doctor gave me earlier and slipped it into my bag.

"Ready to go?" I asked the Doctor.

"Yeah, you go outside, I'll be two minutes."

"Sure." I replied. What was he doing?

When I was outside, I leaned up against the wall and took out the book. I used the light of a nearby streetlight to see the pages. I expected them to be old and dusty, like the outside, but they were neat and clean and shiny. I flicked onto the second page.

It read:

Mystery of the timelord.

Also known as the doctor.

I read on. Everything the Doctor had told me about gallifrey and what he had to do was there. But he skipped a detail. He was a different man. I mean, a different face. But how?

I flicked through some more pages and stopped when I saw and image. A man. Glowing gold. I read under the picture.

A Timelord at the peak of regeneration into a new personality. Gold atoms and energy appear on parts of the body on and off from the start of regeneration until peak.

My head was swirling. Is this what was happening to the Doctor? Was he leaving me to turn into a completely different person?

I heard the door open and shut the book a put it under my coat so the doctor wouldn't see.

"Off we pop."

I smiled weakly at him.

"Is it okay if we go back to the Tardis? Im feeling a bit faint."

We walked back slowly. I didn't speak. How could he do this?

When we reached the tardis the doctor stopped and turned to me. From his pocket he took a deep purple dreamcatcher. It had feathers and crystals falling from it.

"Abigail, thank you. I know I keep saying it but not only did you save my life, you revived it. You are the reason I'm alive in so many ways. So I got you this, as a symbol of how much I love you.They say it catches all your nightmares. Of course its only hypothe-"

And off he rambled in his adorable way. But it was too much. He was going to be gone in a short while. I felt horribly sick. And then Darkness.


"All this fainting isn't good is it?" He said as he handed me a glass of water with his other hand resting on my leg. I was in the bedroom again.

Then I remembered the book and I searched all around me for patting the bed.

The doctor took his hand off my leg and reached behind him. He sighed and handed me the book.

He looked down.


"When I was hit by the car. You revived me. But only for a short period of time.... It gave me time to spend with you because I knew there was something between us and for the first time in forever, I felt genuine happiness Abi. And you granted me that for a short time. But oh was it the best time. I didn't tell you because I didn't want our time to revolve around it."

"No Doctor." The tears started running down my cheek. "Just let me do the same again. Let me give you more time.

"It would tire you out, and if you did it every time, you would eventually give me all of you and then you would die too. What you did for me was incredibly dangerous. And if you do it again, you could end up pretty much braindead."

"But that's thing Doctor, I'd give you all of me over and over again."

He smiled, and a tear slipped down his cheek. He kissed me and I kissed him back like I was never going to get to do it again. After that I pulled him in and hugged him so tight. I cried and I think he did too but he was so silent. My eyes were closed but I could hear the ringing of the energy that his regeneration was making. I hugged him even tighter.

"No. No no no.. please please dont do this" I broke down as he got up and stepped back.

"I don't want to go." He said. "I swear I don't but I have to. I love you."

"No." I sobbed. The tears rushed down his face.

He walked towards the door. "You don't need to see this."

"No. Come back!"

But he had already closed the door and he was on the other side. I pushed the blankets off my legs as fast as I could. I got up to run towards the door but I knew it had already happened. The gold swirled in through the bottom crack of the door.

I fell to my knees, sobbing. Then everything went quiet. I got up slowly, dried my tears and walked to the door. I placed my hand on the handle, took a deep breath and opened the door.

"I SHOULD BE GINGER" Was all I heard. A different voice. Not my Doctor.

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