Chapter Five - A Sudden End

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I stood up and the Doctor put his coat around me and put his arm around my waist for support and led me back to the Tardis.

When we got there, he didn't let go of my hand. We walked back to the room I was in before.

"You need to rest." He said. I didn't object. He gave me a peck on the head and left me standing in the middle of the room. He closed the door behind him.  I looked around. There was the bed. I always loved the Idea of having those curtain things on my bed. Anyway, it was an oldish room, you know, with bookshelves covered in dust and long heavy curtains over a window which just showed a brick wall behind it. I picked out a book but I couldn't read it. It was those circles like the ones engraved on the bed. I went to put it back in its place but I saw a different book in behind. I reached in and  took it out - a small purple book. I dusted it off as i sat down to  look through it.

It was a photo album. Except, the Doctor wasn't in it. Most of the pictures were of a family. In a particular photo there was a grandmother, a mother a father and a little girl. Their clothing was weird, but of course I was getting used to weird by now. The grandmother and mother were wearing gold and purple dresses. The little girl was wearing mostly pink but she had little silver bows wrapped around her curly pig tails and silver boots. She looked about 8 years old. The man however was wearing gold and red. He looked proud and happy.

The family were standing in front of a small house. It didn't look modern. It was like a 1940's cottage house from earth. But the family looked so happy. The man was carrying his daughter in one arm and had the other around his wife. The grandmother stood closely to the father.

I dosed off into sleep as I flicked through the rest of the album.

Again, I woke up screaming. This time the Doctor was sitting beside me. I sat up and took a deep breath in. I lay my head on his chest. We sat for a while before I asked him.

"why do I keep having nightmares and fainting? You ignored me last time I asked and I could tell that you knew."

He sighed. "You're part of my future. It's hard to explain. I don't fully understand it yet either but it has something to do with the Tardis. She doesn't exactly.... Like you. And is trying to scare you off"

"I don't get it."

He just looked at me. Didn't say anything. He stood up and reached out his hand. He nodded his head as if to say lets go. As he did so his hair flicked and went perfectly back into place again. I nearly melted on the spot. I figured out that he's really good at avoiding and changing the subject.

We went to the console room.

"I figured it out."

"Figured what out?" I asked hoping he was talking about me.

"The Sheftons. The chloroplastic liquid I found in the flower things are entering the soil and the shefton's food resources come from the soil which means they've been eating it. I've tried some and it inhibited my old phlastosis cells which means that their cells must have been completely stopped..." His voice became saddened.

"Doctor?" I asked.

He looked at me.

"They wasted away."

His eyes looked so frightened. They widened and looked up as he leaned against the console with his hands in his pockets. A tear ran down his face. I didn't know what to do. He sniffed and suddenly asked me,

"So are you ready to go home?"

"What about the –"

"They're gone."

"Oh, uh, ok then." I was happy to be going home. But I didn't want him to be on his own.

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