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28-Torah-Week - Metzora מְּצֹרָע

Portion Summary

The twenty-eighth reading from the Torah is Metzora, meaning "leper." The name is derived from the second verse of the reading, which states, "This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing" (Leviticus 14:2).

(Leviticus 14) details the intricate purification rituals for cleansing a leper and even a leprous home. (Leviticus 15) briefly addresses the laws surrounding ritual unfitness due to bodily emissions. Like Tazria, Metzora is typically read alongside Tazria on the same Sabbath in non-leap years.

Key Themes in Metzora:

Purification of Leprosy:
Cleansing rituals for those recovering from leprosy.
Purification of the Home:
Addressing leprosy in houses and other areas.
Bodily Emissions:
Laws concerning ritual impurity from natural bodily emissions.

Leviticus 12:1-15 — Laws of purification after childbirth.
Leviticus 12:15-32
— Further instructions on purification.
Genesis 3:16
— Consequences after the fall, with references to childbirth.
Exodus 4:6-7
— Moses' hand becomes leprous as a sign.
Numbers 12:1-15 — Miriam's leprosy and her subsequent quarantine.

Isaiah 66:1-24
— Themes of purity and worship.
Ezekiel 44:9
— Requirement for purity in the sanctuary.
Ezekiel 11:19
— The promise of a new heart and spirit.
Ezekiel 36:26
— Renewal and purification, promise of a new heart.
Jeremiah 31:33
— The law written on the hearts of the people.Zechariah 13:1 — A fountain opened for sin and impurity.
Ezekiel 36:24-31 — Purification and spiritual renewal for Israel.

Psalms 51:5 — David's prayer of repentance and awareness of sin.
2 Kings 5:1-27
— Story of Naaman's leprosy and healing.
2 Chronicles 26:1
— Story of Uzziah and his leprosy as a consequence.
Psalms 118:22-23
— The rejected stone becomes the cornerstone.
Psalms 119:1-2 — Blessed are those who walk in the law of YHVH.

Luke 22:35
— Y'shua teaches his disciples about reliance on YHVH.
Mark 1:35-45
— Y'shua heals a leper, demonstrating compassion and power over impurity.
Hebrews 8:10
— YHVH's covenant written in hearts and minds.
Acts 15:1-29
— Discussion of purity laws for Gentile believers.
Luke 2:22-24
— Mary's purification according to the law.
2 Timothy 3:1-9
— Characteristics of the last days, emphasizing moral purity.

First Book of Adam and Eve: 74:1-20 — Reflection on humanity's condition and purity.
: 3:1-14
— Creation and the fall, themes of purity and sin.
: 1:28-30
— Wisdom on humility and avoiding sin.

These references provides passages associated with Tazria-Metzora, covering themes of purification, spiritual renewal, the instructions concerning leprosy, and New Testament connections to concepts of purity and moral integrity.

Living Stones:
The stones of the altar were untouched by human hands, symbolizing that our righteousness depends on YHVH alone.
Reflection of the Soul:
Our outer actions are a mirror of our inner condition.

Study Questions:
How does Metzora connect with both the Haftarah and New Testament portions?
What stood out most in this reading?
Can you identify reflections of Y'shua in this week's portions?
How do the themes of this reading apply to us today?

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