RIP Miss Sharon

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"I didn't think you had it in you." Agatha stared at Miss Sharon who lay dead on the ground. Teen and Ellie were creating a hole so they could peacefully bury the woman. Though Teen was doing most of the work, Ellie kept spacing out, her eyes glazing over. As if she was seeing something nobody else could, and she was. She saw Lorna, Alice's mom, pacing behind her daughter, glancing at Ellie every so often and anxiously biting her nails.

"You didn't think who had what in them?" Teen looked at Agatha but scoffed when the woman merely winked at them. Agatha looked to Ellie who stood still with a tilted head looking straight at the tree behind Alice.

What's going on squirt?

Ellie didn't flinch when her uncle suddenly appeared next to her. She didn't respond, her focus on the glowing orange burn on Lorna's shoulders, one that matched Alice's. Though Alice's burn was dull and not as bright, diluted because of the multiple charms she wore.

"Her's is next..." Ellie mumbled to herself, though Teen and Agatha heard her.

"Whose?" Agatha grasped onto any information she could get. But Ellie didn't seem to hear Agatha and resumed digging next to Teen. Alice joined them a few seconds later, her mother looking out for her as always from behind.

"Everybody's being really quiet." Jen quietly whispered to Lilia, they both sat on a log watching.

"Be respectful." Lilia reprimanded "For all we know, her mother died on The Road, too."

"My mom did die on the road." Alice interrupted, hearing everything they said since they were horrible as whispering. Even Ellie could hear them from her place.

"We don't know that for sure." Lilia tried to convince her but it fell short "She could still be out here."

"She died on tour. Hotel fire." Alice informed them.

"So, if you're not trying to find her out here, why did you come with us?" Alice shrugged her shoulders at Jen's question.

"She said The Road would save me."

"From what?" Lilia looked just as lost as Jen. Agatha groaned, catching their attention.

"Uh... RIP, Mrs. Hart. Well, shall we?" Agatha clapped her hands "All right." Agatha waved her coat behind her, going ahead of them on the road only to return seconds later when she realized nobody was following her "Okay. So, what's the problem now?"

"A woman is dead, Agatha." Lilia stated the obvious.

"Yes, and Alice, Teen and Ellie are kindly digging a grave for her. So, they'll catch up when they can. Vámonos." Agatha exclaimed, flinging her coat again.

"Okay." Agatha came up to them, "Mrs. Hart was a bad draft pick, okay? Of course, The Road killed her. More power for the rest of us."

"Setting aside your staggering callousness," Jen got up from the log to face Agatha, "we still have the issue of our incomplete coven."

"Oh. Okay. Yes. Okay, now I know the confusion. We needed the whole gang to access The Road. But after that, it's anybody's game." Jen and Lilia shared a bewildered look with each other "It's like the Ballad says, 'Burn and brew, with coven two, and glory shall be thine.'"

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