Gets scared too easily

21 2 4

"Why are you even there in the morning?" Jisung took his coffee and wanted to pay but Minho stopped him.

"You don't have to. It's a present"

"You know that it won't keep me awake all day"

"At least, you won't get a heart attack from the amount of caffeine"

"It will happen someday anyway. Going back to my question, why were you here that early?"

"This cafe opens 4 hours later, but I have the keys. I don't have these appliances at home and I wanted to make you a real coffee, and here we are" He explained and turned off the lights.

"Thank you. That's a lot of work for someone you barely know"

"We have common friends, so I want to be friends with you too"

"That's nice. It won't be a problem. I want to be friends with you too" He smiled even his eyes glowing. He has never felt this way before but he also wasn't ever invited to the cafe by a boy he met 2 days earlier.

"Where do you have your first lecture?"

"Building C"

"Oh, it's quite far from mine. I think I'll manage to walk to my building before 9. I'll walk you there"

"You don't have to. It's snowing outside, you shouldn't spend too much time there"

"It's not long, let's go" he held the doors and let me go first.

"How is your coffee?"

"Still too hot to drink, so it will be perfect when I'll be in the class" Minho locked the door and started walking.

"You don't have gloves?" Minho looked at Jisung's furiously red hand holding the coffee.

"I don't. It's not that bad"

"Take mine" The older took off his and gave it to Jisung.

"No, keep it"

"You need it more"

"Okay. But keep the other one" Minho nodded and looked up.

"Snowflakes" one of white frozen water fell on his nose and melted right away.

"When I was a kid I've always wanted to catch it and keep its amazing shape. How sad I was when it always melted"

"I was a less intelligent kid. I ate snow a few times also licked the ice and got attached to it"

They both giggled and observed the falling snowflakes around them.


"You will come to us at lunch right?"

"I will. See you then" Jisung waved to Minho and went his way.

"I didn't know you were friends with Minho" Lia suddenly appeared next to the boy.

"We got to know each other recently"

"He's a sweet boy. He just gets scared too easily"

"You know him too?"

"He's in one class with my girlfriend. And he was my boyfriend a year ago" she simply said entering the class.Jisung froze for a moment.

He didn't know Minho had a girlfriend. He could even have a girlfriend now.

What if he was straight?

He spent all the lecture thinking about Minho.

How did they end up together in a closed cafe at 8 in the morning?

Was he interpreting his behavior wrong?

When the lecture ended he rushed to the library to sit with a book and stop thinking about him.


"Hi" He took off his coat and scarf, this time without any problems.

"Hi Ji!"

"I'm Changbin" the short boy with purple hair introduced himself and so did Jisung.He sat next to Hyunjin again wanting to ask him something.

The rest started talking about their performances again, meanwhile, Jisung quietly said the question.

"You know Minho longer than me, is he straight?"

"Minho? Straight? That bitch claims he's bi but he's totally gay" Hyunjin said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Minho walked to their table, looking perfectly fine and hot, just like he did in the morning. His eyes were fixated on Jisung and waiting for his answer.

"Why are you interested in that?"


I cried yesterday. I cried because I've got tickets for Amsterdam! I still can't believe it happened. I wanted a cheaper seat but my mom said that it's my dream...

So my birthday next year I'll be on a first concert in my life. And I have a seat near the stage🥹

Now I gotta work to make that money (somehow lol)

Have a good night


Snowflakes and coffee ~ MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now