"I bet you think your so funny Jamie." I told her as we walked into our apartment.
"I don't think anything." She said plopping down on the couch. "I just think you to are way to close to just be friends."
"Well we are just friends. AND THAT IS IT."
"Okay okay, don't get you panties in a wad."
I looked at Jamie and rolled my eyes then went to my room. Why would she even think that? I asked my self, pacing around my room. It's just Joey, my best friend, just Joey. Ginormously tall, annoying, cute, retarded.... Joey.... I sprung up from my bed. "No." I said to myself.
"NO its just Joey quit thinking that way." In my head thoughts of Joey began running through my head, but in a different way. I ran out of my room and stood in the hall way.
"Jamie!!!" I wined.
"That took longer than I thought. Come on come sit with me and tell me all about it." Jamie said smiling at me. I walked down the hall and then sat down with Jamie on the couch. She turned off what ever she was watching.
"He is my best friend." I said burying my face in my hands.
"He can still be your best friend." She said rubbing my shoulder.
"No Jamie," I said looking up at her, "this changes everything, I'll just ignore it, I might call back up my last boyfriend and ask him if he wants to do something."
"No you won't, you should tell Joey how you feel."
"Look I'm not even sure about how I feel. What was I thinking, taking him to that drive in."
"You weren't thinking, and that's a good thing."
"And then I got all soft on him."
"Lauren, you are one of the most strongest people I know, but you let your walls down tonight, and there is nothing wrong with that."
"Really?" I asked, "Jamie it's just I don't want anything to ruin our friendship. Joey is like my best friend, you know next to you."
"Well if you do decide you have feelings for him, let your walls down, try flirting, you never know, Joey might be feeling the same way." Jamie said, then she yawned, "I'm gonna go to bed."
Once Jamie was gone I began to rub my face. Lauren gave some good advice, but I'm going to ignore this feeling. I thought to myself. Then wondered back to my room. Joey and I have always been close friends, but our friends ship means more to me. I layed down. I was probably only feeling this way because of all the candy in my system. I won't feel this way in the morning. I thought to myself, then shut m th eyes and fell asleep.
I woke up to some one beating on my door. I say up and stretched. "Come in." I said.
"Surprise!" I look up at the person.
"DARREN FREAKING CRISS!" I yelled jumping out of bed to hug him. Jamie and Joey were my best friend, but nothing like me and Darren. Darren was the first friend I made in college, we did tons of shows together before AVPM, and we just bacame really close. "What are yiu doing here?" I asked him.
"Well I herd about this Drive In thing and I want you to take me, right now." He said.
"Okay, get out so I can get dressed." I said to him as I shooed him off.
"Darren come here." I said as I motioned for him to sit beside me on the couch, "Now last night-" I began but was cut off.

STARKID What Was I Thinking
RandomWhen everyone bails on there annual Friday rutiene, Joey ant Lauren continue it anyways, but when sparks begin to fly it scares the both of them. Read this Richpez fan fiction to see wat will happen.