Our room we were performing in was full, and it was time to start the show. Everyone else stood on the sides of the stage while Brian went out ant talked to the crowd.
When he stepped out the crowd went crazy, Brians face was drained there was no happiness on his face.
"Everyone please be quiet."He asked the crowd, they didn't pay attention. "HEY SHUTUP!" He yelled, the room fell silent. "Look I'm sorry," He began, "Okay here goes, last night Joey and Lauren were in a car wreck." A few people gasped, others stared blankly at Brian, "There was a drunk driver who drove straight into the passenger side of the car, where Lauren was sitting. Both Joey and Lauren were rushed to the hospital, Joey woke up yesterday around noon. Lauren has yet to wake up, the car hit her straight on," Brian took a breath, he looked like he was gonna cry, "and they don't know if she will wake up." He choked out, he took a breath. "We apologize if today's show is not great." He said then walked off.
Joe's music began to play and he started singing Stutter, some people in the audience sang along, other looked like they were in tears. Half way through the song Joe quit singing.
"I'm sorry everyone I can't do this." He said then finally broke down crying. Jamie ran out and comforted him. This show was pathetic.
I woke up my whole body ached, then a nurse walked in. When she looked at me her eyes widened then began yelling for a doctor. The doctor walked in.
"Miss Lopez nice to see that you are awake." He said to me.
"What is today?" I asked.
"Sunday, now-" He replied, but I cut him off.
"Get me out of this." I said as I started taking off all the stuff I was hooked up to.
"Miss. Lopez please stop, lay down."
"No, I have a show. I have to go, let me go." I tried to get up but a nurse was holding me down. "LET ME GO!" I yelled. The nurse lost her grip on me and I started to run for it. Every thing hurt, I felt dizzy, but I kept going. I need to get to Leaky Con, I had to see Joey. I made it out side I looked at my self I was in a hospital robe. Luckily I have underwear on. I thought to my self. Where was I, I looked around and saw a Leaky Con sign it said that it was down this street and the first building on the right. Everything hurt but I didn't care, I ran, I ran for my life.
This show was sad, nobody could make it through a song without crying. The crowd was in tears with us. Meridith had finished singing The Coolest Girl, and she collapsed to the floor in tears, Brian walked on stage and helped her off. I walked on and looked at the crowd they were all silent and in tears.
"Um hey everyone, I'm gonna sing Granger Danger, but I need your help. When it comes to Laurens part I want everyone to sing, sing for her." I said and took a breath trying to swallow the tears. The music began.
Here I am
face to face
with a situation I never thought I'd ever see
It's strange, how a dress
can take a mess, and make her nothing less than,
beautiful to me
It seems like my eyes have been transfigured
something deep inside has changed
they've been opened wide but hold that trigger
this could mean
I'm falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love
I think I'm falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love
With Hermione Granger《Lauren》
I made it to the building. I felt like I was gonna die. I pushed my self I saw th door where we were supposed to perform, I could here the music it was my part for Granger Danger. I burst the doors open. All eyes were on me. It was silent. The band stopped.

STARKID What Was I Thinking
RandomWhen everyone bails on there annual Friday rutiene, Joey ant Lauren continue it anyways, but when sparks begin to fly it scares the both of them. Read this Richpez fan fiction to see wat will happen.