Chapter 3 Rage, Anger, and Sadness

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"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Jamie said as she got into my car.

"Jamie, your like a sister to me, and being your brother I must confess, I hate shopping." I told her as we started to drive to the mall.

"Well there is a one day sale going on in my favorite store, and I thought that you might wanna get your mind off things."

I took a deep breath. "Jamie I know Darren was at your house this morning, and I know he told you everything I told him."

Jamie tried not to laugh, "Oh Joey what ever do you mean?"

I just rolled my eyes at her. We pulled into the mall.

"Jamie I'm not staying here forever, I have plans after this." I told her.

"Like what?" She said as we both got out of the car and started to walk in.

"I have to kill one Mr. Darren Criss."

"Okay, well I will meet you in the food court in an hour, and we can eat, how does that sound?"

"Deal." I said. Jamie smiled at me and walked off. I walked off to the food court. I found a table and sat down. For a couple minutes I played a game on my phone. I debated weather or not to text Darren again, I didn't, he wasant texting me back anyways. I got up and walked into one of the small stores near the food court.

This was my kinda store, video games, new ones, old ones the classics, maybe the mall wasant that bad. I spent about 20 minutes in there then decide to leave. I sat at a table for about 10 minutes and then Jamie walked up hands full of shopping bags.

"So how was it?" I asked as I got up and walked beside her, as we walked to the Chinese restaurant.

"Oh it was amazing, practically a steal." She said then placing her order.

"I don't need to call the cops?" I asked then ordered my food. She shoved me on the shoulder. We got our food and went and sat down at a table.

"So," Jamie began, "you told Darren your feelings, witch was a mistake, so talk to me about it."

"Ha ha nice try Jamie, you will just go tell Lauren." I said then taking a bite of food.

"Joey I won't tell her I promise."

I just gave her a stern look, "Swear to me Jamie Lyn Beatty."

"I swear to you Joseph Michael Richter, that if I speak to Lauren about or conversation may God himself come down from he heavens and rip out my vocal cords." Jamie said dramatically.

"Okay fine, well it's like I told Darren, I don't know what I'm feeling, she is my best friend, I just don't want to ruin our friendship."

"I get what you're saying, but sometimes you... you have to put aside your fears, and just go for it."

"I don't know," I said staring down at my food, "It's just Lauren means alot to me, I can't loose her."

"You won't, you to might even become closer, who knows." Jamie said then getting up to throw her food away.

I finished mine and I threw it away, I thought about what Jamie had said, but I shook it off. Lauren and I were better off friends. I drove Jamie back to her apartment. I looked through the window and saw Lauren sitting on the couch stuffing her face with food, she wasant alone. I shuffled around a bit and saw her sitting with her ex boyfriend, Vencent.

I put my car in drive and drove off. I was full of rage, anger, and sadness all at the same time. I turned on the radio and blared the music. It keep me distracted from thinking about Lauren. Lauren. Everytime she crossed my mind I changed the radio station. I ended up on a station playing music from the 60s. The Dreamland Drive In open in the 60s, I thought, Lauren took me to the Dreamland. I turned off the radio, then pulled in to my apartment complex.

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