Chapter 7 Orlando

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After everyone got settled I went to Laurens room. I knocked on the door, and Jamie answered.

"Hey Jamie, I need to talk to Lauren." I told her she gave me a devilish smile and ran off to get Lauren.

"Hey Joey." She said beaming at me.

"So um I got a rental car and I was wondering if you would like to maybe go out and eat with me?"

"Like on a date?" She asked still smiling.

"Yea like a date."

"I would love to." She replied.

"So maybe we can leave at 7." I told her.

"That sounds good to me, I'll see you then." She said then shut the door. I walked back to my room I tried to keep my cool, but once I was inside I lost my cool.

"Joey are you okay?" Dylan asked me. Darren looked up and just smiled at me.

"He got a date." Darren said.

"Let me guess, with a miniature brunet girl." Rosenthal said. I tried not to smile so big but I couldn't help it.

"So he finally did it and asked Lauren out." Joe said.

"YES!" I screamed then collapsed on my bed.

"Glad to see he finally grew a pair of balls." Brian said laughing, then everyone else started laughing. Every thing was right, everything felt perfect.

It was 6:50, I've been standing out side Laurens door for ten minutes now. I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. This was it, the moment I can come out, and tell the girl of my dreams how I really feel. We were in a beautiful part of Orlando, tonight just felt magical. As soon as my phone hit 7:00 I knocked on her door.

"Wow, right on time." She said opening the door. She looked stunning. A light purple sun dress with a light blue jean jacket and sandals. Her hair was in curls, she was the image of perfection, or at least to me.

"Shall we go?" I said holding out my arm. She took it.

"Yes lets." We walked out of the hotel and got into my rental car.

"So Joey where are you taking me?" She asked me as we started driving.

"Hum, I don't think I'm gonna tell you, it's a surprise."

"JOEY! You can't do that." She practically yelled then giggled.

"Do what." I asked her. I knew exactly what I was doing.

"Joey you can't just dangle it in front of me."

"Well I am." I said laughing at her. Then all of a sudden the car went spinning and everything went black.

I woke up and everything was blurry. Then my eyes focused and I saw Jamie, Darren, Rosenthal, Dylan, Meridith, Brian, and Joe all standing around me, but not Lauren, where was Lauren.

"Omigod your awake." Jamie said then hugging me and crying into me.

"Where is Lauren?" I asked softly. Jamie cried harder. "Where is Lauren?" I asked louder. Meridith had turned into Brian and started crying. Just then a doctor walked in. Darren took Jamie and everyone left the room.

"Joseph, you and your friend Miss. Lopes were in a wreck." The doctor began calmly

"Were is Lauren?" I said again.

"Sir, it was a drunk driver and the car rammed right into Miss. Lopez's side of the car. She was severely hurt."

"Lauren, is she going to be okay?" I said beginning to cry.

"Sir we cannot tell right now. We have the papers for you to sign, you are free to go."

"No this can't be happening."

"I am so sorry Mr. Richter." He said then walked off. Everyone came back in.

"Hey buddy, I brought you some clothes." Darren said placing them on my bed.

"Where is Lauren?" I said softly.

"Joey, you don't-" Dylan began but I cut him off.

"No where is Lauren!" I yelled.

"Get dressed and I'll take you to her." Darren said.

"Darren no he-" Meridith began but Darren cut her off.

"Everyone out!" Darren said then forcing everyone out. I got dressed and went and looked at my self in the mirror. There were cuts and bruises all over me. I walked out and Darren walked up to me, he didn't say anything to me but just took me to her room. I went in and he shut the door behind me.

"Oh God." I said softly then I sat down beside her and took her hand. "Lauren, please give me a sigh that you can hear me, a hand squeeze or something." I sat ther looking at he body it looked far worse than mine, she had taken the most impact. "Lauren if you can here me listen to me. I love you, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. But I need you to know how I feel. The night that we were alone watching glee, well I started to see you in a different way. Then you took me to Dreamland, and I kept going back there. Then, I had the best night of my life, you kissed me, but you were drunk, you don't remember it, but I do and it was amazing. But I hate seeing you like this. If your wondering I was gonna take you to a drive in, they were having a Disney night, they were playing your favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast. Lauren, please stay with me, I can't loose you, I love you." I began to cry. I got up and kissed her on the forehead. Then left.

"Joey." Jamie said running up to me she just hugged me and began to cry, I couldn't do it anymore I broke down, I was balling like a baby. Everyone else came up and we formed a big group hug. Everyone was crying.

When we all broke apart we went and sat down.

"So I think we still need to perform tomorrow." Brian said.

"Lauren would kill us all of she found out we stopped a performance for her." Darren said, everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm still doing Granger Danger." I said softly.

"I'll sing it with you buddy." Darren said.

"No. I'm doing it alone." I told him. He didn't say anything he just nodded. We all left the hospital and headed back to the hotel. Nobody was speaking to one another. We all sat together in my room everyone was quiet, sometimes Jamie and Meridith would start crying.

About 8 o'clock everyone left to go to bed. It was just me and Darren left. It was silent. We had turned off the lights and layed in our beds.

"Darren what if she is not okay." I said to him, hoping he was awake.

"Lauren is strong, she will pull through." He barely choked out, then started crying. I didn't say anything else. At about midnight I finally fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and I felt like crap. I put on my shirt with the starkid logo on, just like everyone else. And we all left for Leaky Con. None of us were excited like we usually were. We were broken, we were missing a piece that made us a whole. We got there and entered through the back so that nobody could see us, we wernt in the mood to socialize. Today was supposed to be fun but it sucked.

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