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Bumping into people is probably a top embarrassing moment in your life. If you had you wouldn't forget about it, it trailed in your mind while you were trying to sleep like an annoying wasp. So it was no surprise the current situation you're in was the biggest embarrassment of your week.
You had bumped into a little kid during passing period! Little is in literal terms. But still, he did not look like a freshie and you had not seen him around anywhere. He was slim in figure and was probably more embarrassed than you as you stood slightly stunned. You blinked before processing and then stared back at the boy.
"Sorry," you spoke, "I should've looked my way." You would've been even more shy, but this was a younger kid.
"Sorry, it was on me." The boy shyly replied.
"You a freshie?" You asked, out of pure curiosity.
He shook his head. "I'm shadowing. I wanna go here next year."
You nod, "Cool, cool." You didn't know what to say, until your eyes fell upon his shirt. A bright red base with the worst logo plastered over it: Cobra Kai. "Cool...shirt. What is it? A band?" You lied through your teeth. You wanted to see how this kid viewed that stupid dojo.
He smiled shyly and shook his head again. "It's my karate dojo. Cobra Kai."
"Oh. I train at a different dojo." You spoke. "That place is too violent for my taste."
"Some guy is helping me out first before I meet the Senseis for sure." He said, and your eyes dimmed. "He's nice to me and I've been learning stuff."
"What's his name?" You asked, fearing the answer.
"Robby Keene. I'm Kenny Payne." Kenny introduced himself. "Maybe Robby can show you that Cobra Kai isn't that violent."
You chuckled...awkwardly. Of course Robby Keene had took an underdog quiet kid to train. "I'm Y/N Collymore. I already made friends in my current dojo I don't wanna break."
"Oh. Most of the people in Cobra Kai are people old like you." He said it so bluntly it made you grin.
"Are you sure you're not being left behind with your tour guide?" You asked. "Trust me, I like chatting with you, Kenny, but I don't want you to miss out on anything if you're going here next year."
"I was on a bathroom break. I know where they are." He said. "But I guess I'll get going so they don't suspect anything from me."
"I'll see you around in the All Valley, Kenny." You teased slightly. "I'll be eager to see what Robby Keene taught you."
"I'll see you around too, hopefully." Kenny smiled shyly. "Bye."