Chapter eleven.

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_Pennys point of view_

I exhale heavily before gripping onto the handle to enter the lecture room, my now sweaty palms twist the knob slowly to reveal the massacre of students, but one catches my eyes; Harry. His usual dark outfit looking better on him than usual, and it hurts not being able to compliment him or even look at him for long enough without feeling like I shouldn't. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in when I see he isn't sat at our usual spot. He's quick to notice my presence. I, without hesitation, look away from him and make my way to the stairs, they look steeper and longer than usual, but, of course they're not, that's just my mind playing minor tricks with me.

I hug my folders tighter when I see his eyes are on me, I fight every fibre of myself to not look over at him, to get lost in those green eyes of his, to have your heart throb when his deep dimples cover his face as he smiles, his pink lips are painful to look at, he can hypnotise anyone with his beauty, and he definitely has me under his spell.

Stop it. He's not worth your time, just ignore him. My subconscious tells me.

I nibble on my bottom lip and take my hair from on top of my ear to only place it back on top. I'm closing in on him and I can feel his eyes lingering on me, just one look won't hurt, no harm will be done. Before I can reconsider my thoughts, my eyes are on his, his lips are pursed straight, his eyebrows are motionless, he looks so, inanimate, so displeased, which just adds to my nerves. I wonder what he's thinking about?

My legs are still carrying me up the steps and my eyes are still intertwined with his, I just couldn't bring myself to look away, he's so flawless, so immaculate, why do I feel a rush of guilt eat me away from the inside? Maybe I did something? Maybe he's irked by my pointless actions last night? I didn't mean t... And before I could finish off talking to my subconscious, my foot slip off the step, causing me to fall, and not to mention how inelegantly and ungraceful my embarrassing accident was. And just to top it off, my eyes are still locked with his.

Please, just bloody kill me, now.

I hear a roar of scoffs and high pitched laughs take over the spacious room. I can feel my face changing colour dramatically, my eyes nervously scan the room, and as I had guessed, everyone's watching me. The majority finding it humorous and a minority of them looking at me with sympathy and pity. I feel tears threatening to fall down my eyes, I bite my lip, hard, and quickly pick up my folders.

My hand reaches my planner, but before I have the chance to lift it up, someone else does. I stop on my tracks and look up, and of course, it's him. He doesn't even look at me, doesn't even acknowledge me, instead, he gathers my heavy folders and rests it on his arm, his jaw clenching as he does.

For what feels like eternity, he finally looks at me, his eyes burning into mine and I look back, not sure what to do, I let out a sharp breath and proceed to talk.
"Harry, I don't, I don't really know why you're angry, b-but, maybe I can help?" I stutter, I don't know why I'm talking to him or offering him my time, I've just learnt from a young age to help others when they're upset, and even though Harry isn't someone who would really accept my offer, it's still a nice thing to ask, I guess. No, no it's not, my subconscious mocks, of course she does.

"Okay" he coldly replies, okay, is that a yes or not, and before I can ask him to explain in depth what his answer is, he's already stood up. The laughter still echoing the room, I just want to curl up and hide away, I hate this, I hate how embarrassed I get. Normally, people laugh it off, but not me, this is humiliating.

I'm still crouched down, not wanting to stand up just yet, afraid of people's eyes on me as I walk away. I look down and retie my already perfect laces, my trembling fingers struggling to do a simple double knot. Strangely, the room quietens down, silent almost, except the odd cough or two. I slowly look up to see Harry glare fiercely at everyone, their faces instantly looking distressed, making them stop talking and definitely quit the laughing. I furrow my eyebrows and slowly stand up. He hands me my folders, but one topples over, his large hands catching it before it falls to the ground, he places it on top of the others and looks at me one more time.

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