Chapter sixteen.

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_Penny's point of view_

Much to my surprise, after mine and Harry's encounter, the day went by rather fast. I didn't see Harry at lunch or around the corridors with all the other students. I told myself I was relived that I didn't, but I knew I wanted to see him, even for an argument, I felt like I wanted to know he still had time for me. You're talking crazy, my subconscious tells me, belittling me as usual.

My thoughts carried out all the way as I reached the entrance for the car park, a crowd of people pushing and shoving, trying to make their way out of the extremely ridiculous tight space, to get out the school grounds first. Someone should really fix that before everyone decides to break the damned fence for more room.

I look from left to right continuously before crossing the road to get to my car. Once I reach for the handle, I feel a patter of fingers tap my shoulders. Why does he always have to talk to me at the wrong times. Without even turning around, I talk.

"Harry, not now." I groan as I look at myself in the car window, purposely slowing myself down before I get into the car and drive off. Why am I doing this?

I hear an unfamiliar chuckle escape the unidentified persons lip from behind me. I turn around and discreetly gasp as I see his dark brown hair styled into an inhumanly perfect quiff, his russet brown eyes staring into mine, his godly crafted jaw line so noticeable when he smiles. I'm not accompanied by Harry, I'm accompanied by Zayn.  

"Oh, sorry, I thought you.."

"Hey, it's alright"

We both share an awkward laugh and go silent. I raise my eyebrows at him and let a small smile play on my lips, hoping that my facial expressions will remind him of why he is here and what he may have wanted from me. But, he doesn't catch on.

"Sorry, was there something you wanted?"

"Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask how you were doing, I haven't spoken to you in a while" He sweetly states. His smile growing rapidly, making his teeth come into full perspective. His tongue being bit down cutely as he does so.

"Um, yeah I'm fine thank you, how are you, Zayn?" I reply back. Why did you say his name at the end? It sounds weird, my subconscious tells me. He looks me up and down with his hungry eyes, his smile only increasing in size as he reaches my eyes again, my heart almost melting at how insanely attractive he is, how is it even possible to look like that.

"Yeah, I'm.." He begins, but stopped almost immediately as a mop of brown curls is now standing behind him. You can tell his presence is near when you hear his boots scrape against the concrete. Of course he'd show up when I'm having a conversation.

"He's fine Penny." Harry almost growls as he places his large hands on Zayns broad shoulders. Harry looks at me with wild eyes. His nose flaring as he clenches his jaw, without even looking at anymore of his incredible features, I already know he's angry. But the real question is, when isn't he angry.

Zayn looks back at me, then to Harry, then to me again before realising the tension has increased and that his presence is no more welcome here as Harry has arrived. Before I have a chance to say sorry for Harry's rude interruption to our conversation, I feel a tight grip on my forearm, my skin being mercilessly gripped to the point of cruelty by Harry, as he drags me away from Zayn.

"Harry, you're hurting me" I wince as he grips tighter, his eyes are furious as he looks at me, probably oblivious to my comment seconds ago.
"Harry" I say louder. Zayn looks at me with worried and sympathetic eyes, he steps forward and grabs Harry's shoulder.

"Come on man, let her go" he says cautiously, probably knowing how easily angry Harry can get when saying or doing the wrong thing. He doesn't let go of the tight grip on my arm but turns to face Zayn and glares at him. Fortunately, Zayn doesn't look the slightest bit intimidated nor scared.

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