Not being able to breathe,
because you were giving me the breath.
But then I realised,
my life does not end with the death.
Life is a never ending process.
I live in the memories of others,
which may sound weird and rotten.
But I will never be forgotten.
Zrkadlá duší
PoesíaZrkadlá sú ako básne. Nikdy neklamú. Vždy odrážajú skutočnú realitu, odrážajú vnímanie a duše človeka samotného. Tieto básne napísal prostý študent - jednoduchý a nenápadný v spoločnosti. Na pohľad zapadá do davu medzi ľuďmi. Avšak zvnútra sa líši o...
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Not being able to breathe,
because you were giving me the breath.
But then I realised,
my life does not end with the death.
Life is a never ending process.
I live in the memories of others,
which may sound weird and rotten.
But I will never be forgotten.