010. MTV awards.

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A couple months go by and Madison & Rudy get nominated for the "Best Kiss" award for MTV. Luckily for them, a writers strike happened and so the live event was canceled, and instead, it was just aired on TV. After the hard work fans put in to vote for them, they won.

they did end up thanking the fans but ofc, Rudy's stories came off as odd because he didn't even specifically address the award or use the Jiara picture... this award is for Rudy and Madison NOT the cast. Just look at the difference for yourself.

 Just look at the difference for yourself

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Important to note that the only reason he even posted a "thank you" was because fans on here were pissed, since they put a lot of time in the votes

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Important to note that the only reason he even posted a "thank you" was because fans on here were pissed, since they put a lot of time in the votes. Even other cast members posted a "congratulations" to Rudy and Madison before he even said thank you to us.

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